
I love that when you report people that are assholes they actually do something and you know they did because you get "Someone you reported has had action taken against their account. Thank you! Here are more reports!" That isn't the exact verbiage but that is the gist of it.


pssst - you are being trolled man lol.

This was all while Ice Frog has been taking over the community/mod work so that DOTA as a mod could continue.

You shut your mouth when you are talking to me.

I play both.

As I have said throughout this post, I play both.

You don't play MOBAs so you don't understand anything at all lol.


I agree, the copy right issue in 2010 was a fiasco.

Great post I didn't have the energy to break it down like this.

LOL - there are rankings, and a ladder.

Last hits, no denies - one of the core mechanics at the heart of DOTA when it was a mod.

Trained in school in Maya LOVE this reference lol

Played both, played DOTA when it was still gunisoos running the mod(probably spelled his name wrong).

Because the show was taken off the air hence the tears.

I went to art school with the kid whose cousin drew this for Rock star. I also have 3 friends who worked on GTA that confirmed that this girl drew the picture. (I found out cause the kid posted on the Facebook "look at what my cousin drew for the cover of GTA!" months ago and I shot my friends at rock star a message

Thanks! also ditto on the new season :D

I am not even a fan of the Xbone, I also read all of the "news" sites for games which is how I know that this site has a negative slant to it when talking about the Xbox One.

no worries I figured that is why you put it up there (after seeing my reaction + Stephens).