
Tina this was a great write up of the feeling you get when progressing through Dark Souls (any of the games!).

it was lol. I had one town dedicated to farming, I had my main town I started in to the west of that. To the south I had my fishing villages laid out along the river bank. I had it wrap all the around the southern part of the map and then I made my hunters/gatherers/and wood cutters further up the river north, past

I had a full field of each crop (including orchards), about 20 fisheries, and 5 gatherers/hunters combos.

Yes. I love Sif.

It is, but made to be funny. Watch Epic Name Bro on youtube or Vatti Vidya who has a lore series called "Prepare to cry".


same for PC here as well, 5 hours midnight-5am not a single bug.

Played for 5 hours so far since release at midnight. Not a single glitch.

I do, still play it still love it.

If it is out of farming season farmers become laborers.

it took me a while to figure out this is why some of my people were starving.

If it helps, I had 90k food, 280ish adults, 100 students, and 100 children (around I think it was more like 283/101/111 but yea you get the point). My food production per year was 37,000, once they started producing that many children/students my food supply was gone in 2 years and everyone starved down to around 130

Never mind found the list.

nice name, horrible trolling.

Now playing

How have I never seen this! Thanks for the share.

Such a good episode.

You are very welcome, I also liked FLCL :D

Oh by all means. The show is called Kill La Kill.

The shows self awareness is what makes it so awesome. lol. So great.