
ahahahahahahahaha glad I sounded convincing.

I think you may be fighting a losing battle out here brother.

I have TV and surround sound in my bathroom bro. Why wouldn't you? I don't want to miss the Games on Sunday if nature calls.

Thanks Edward that is really helpful!

This was my take on it as well. Seems like the A-hole was the guy tailgating.


So I guess maybe its because I am a graphic artist, but only 1 or maybe 2 of these screenshots even look close to a real photo an that is only at a quick glance.

It was a joke bro

Awesome thanks for the tip, I have a Guild and Clan I run with for MMOs and (WAY BACK) Halo days so i will have to hit them up.

Yea not all of us are surprised. Those of us that are informed know that basically throughout years and years of lobbying the gun manufacturing industry has turned a nice little profit off of Americans fascination with the Penis Extender 5000.

Wrong wrong wrong, never convicted never pressed charges, they lost the paperwork.

Best In Slot,

That is why I watch none of them - you are correct minus the lib thing, the liberal media is a made up political talking point.

This is exactly it Son you hit the nail on the head.

I am on your side so don't take this as a digg.

I can't hold it in anymore I let them have it.

hahahahaha I love Barney.

I dunno, this statistic seems pretty made up to me....


I like the kinect and I still laughed, well done.