Sure I will.
Sure I will.
Sure I will.
Sure I will.
“It is true that Congress has put forth versions of this bill before and, obviously, they have not passed.”
What, women like to complain?
Why would anyone care about a Politico piece interviewing authors that wrote about Trump Should we listen to Webster Tarpley about Barack Obama? (hint: no)
Every single word of your salty, salty rage is delicious.
Your tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious.
Why would he have to stop?
Curious: how’s he an ‘illegitimate’ president? I don’t think that word means what you think it means?
Oh, that would be asking a lot. Not just that they’d have to admit that their FUD was wrong, but that a minority *was* at fault and a white guy *wasn’t* to blame? Not going to happen.
Shh, fake news is only bad if it’s about democrats.
I’ve already determined for quite some time that WHATEVER puts Hamilton Nolan’s little marxist panties in a bunch makes me inordinately happy, so we don’t have to meet in 4 years: I’m already enjoying THE FUCK out of Trumps not-even-yet-the-Presidency.
This is what I got that from, almost verbatim.
Well, it legally NEEDS to be changed: “U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled last week that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) structure is unconstitutional”.