Flynn the Fine IV

Sure I will.

Sure I will.

It is true that Congress has put forth versions of this bill before and, obviously, they have not passed.”

What, women like to complain?

Why would anyone care about a Politico piece interviewing authors that wrote about Trump Should we listen to Webster Tarpley about Barack Obama? (hint: no)

Cry all you want, he’s still president. Maybe you can find a safe space or therapy pony and hug it out?

Every single word of your salty, salty rage is delicious.

You still lost. Maybe you should find a safe space or a therapy pony?

He’s perceived to be ‘illegitimate’ only by the people that already hate him. That’s meaningless.

Now playing

Your tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious.

Because rightously-indignant liberals always, ultimately, resort to violence? I mean, well, ANYTHING is justified because...TRUMP!

Why would he have to stop?

Curious: how’s he an ‘illegitimate’ president? I don’t think that word means what you think it means?

Maybe Trump supporters have recognized that the Left has worked itself into such a froth that their own safety is an issue?

He’s still president.

Oh, that would be asking a lot. Not just that they’d have to admit that their FUD was wrong, but that a minority *was* at fault and a white guy *wasn’t* to blame? Not going to happen.

Shh, fake news is only bad if it’s about democrats.

Now playing

I’ve already determined for quite some time that WHATEVER puts Hamilton Nolan’s little marxist panties in a bunch makes me inordinately happy, so we don’t have to meet in 4 years: I’m already enjoying THE FUCK out of Trumps not-even-yet-the-Presidency.

This is what I got that from, almost verbatim.

Well, it legally NEEDS to be changed: “U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled last week that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) structure is unconstitutional”.