Flynn the Fine IV

So...thanks for talking about her? Thanks for playing into her game (assuming you’re right)?

No worries. I only told it because I didn’t want it to sound like my wife’s dumb and just left food in the oven for months.

“If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow.”

So if I understand correctly, at least by Monday, men will freely be able to rape any woman they want, women will be fired from any job not “housekeeper” “baby-maker” or “sex-partner” (for which they’ll be legislatively blocked from receiving anything more than 25% of the pay a man would get), and women will be banned

I think some of the blame falls here on the media, and their targets of idealization. What I’ve observed is that Hollywood basically comprehends only two types of men: the emasculated, borderline-effeminate metrosexual OR the raging-steroid, testosteronic asshole.

Funny/sad story: it was the same in the 80s.

And women wonder why otherwise-decent young men can become cynical about what women want in a guy?

Sometimes it’s actually both.

Assuming a man’s entitled to incontestable moral high ground because he happened to get his shit kicked in by some racist cracker cop 50 years ago is as farcical as a king being selected because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at him.