
Personally I think he went for the takedown to finish the fight early and save face. After those shots early in the second he figured out pretty quickly he wasn’t going to trade with Nate “The Walking Coma” Diaz and retain his short term memory for the foreseeable future. Once it hit the mat Diaz doubled any advantage

It wasn’t the ground game that killed McG, it was the damage. He shot to end it before he was as incoherent as Diaz.

The excuse would be: they said they had weapons, all intelligence said they had weapons, we have easily verifiable proof that they’ve conducted numerous tests, did we mention they’ve openly admitted to having and testing them? Oh, and by the way, we found nukes.

I really don’t care for it. It’s not particularly deep, I find myself coming across the answers more haphazardly than not. I like the design but that’s about it.

It was like watching a Rock’em Sock’em Robots match in which the operators got bored and eventually quit.

Japan proves yet again it’s porn is world fucking class regardless of what category it’s in.

I would wager that it was a school project and no, it’s not really well made.

Isn’t guilt a river in Cleveland?

I think if me and my family had to go through years of arbitration to get back hundreds of millions and due credit, I’d tell him to go fuck himself too.

I know it’s below you to visit a BWW.

It’s called Waterworld.


A game where you spend most of your time telling yourself: “It’s not a beta. It’s not a beta. FUCK. It’s not a beta.”

It’s what your sister called me when taught her the “dog in the bathtub.”

I’m fairly sure an anonymous gray calling someone a coward is the definition of irony but I doubt there were many dictionaries in your house growing up.

A Bethesda game has a shitty interface, I’m fucking shocked.

Someone obviously didn’t read the article.

That McGregor is a class fucking act all the way man.

Correct the title to what dumbass? Is English your second or third language?

“Whatever Judge! ALL I HEAR IS ‘WAH WAH WAH’!”