
I usually murdered everyone in Rivet City at some point during my play throughs of FO3.

This is the same face my dog makes when he shits somewhere he shouldn’t.

So wait, are you defending the dick who sideswiped a bike and sent two people to the hospital?

I’ve been farming engrams at CoO and a gunslinger with the CN helm can OHK most of the bosses if you follow up with a grenade. Also you can instantly drop a sword bearer, drop a shield, or significantly damage an ogre. In PvE its still a good class if you are soloing, haven’t played any MP because, well, fuck that

It looks like Ronald McDonald on steroids.

For all the wall to wall coverage you still haven’t touched on the Agonarch Rune debacle.

I think your dog was just yelling at you for rooting for Vick.

Pride in your city doesn’t put food on the fucking table Jay.

There’s that transgendered mutant mole rat named Pussyspotter over at DC. I wouldn’t call her major top tier but definately carrying out the waste from Dark Seids masterbation shack caliber.

You’re a fucking turd blanket of a human being.

You’d have to really crunch the radar profile data to make the conclusion that the new tech was worth it, as you mentioned that they proposed different infiltration tactics with more standard helios. Not to pick sides but sounds as if in this instance the operators may have been right considering the circumstances of

You just skipped the low hanging fruit and went right for the potatoes there.

The best way to learn how to drive stick is to just do it. There will be times where you hate it (like on inclines) but once you get the hang of it the process makes driving far more rewarding. Kind of like playing a video game you aren’t very good at then getting the hang of it.

“If we aren’t fighting; we aren’t winning. If we aren’t winning; we aren’t fighting.”

Shut your whore mouth.

I met a guy who claimed to have been the aquistion man for Gone In Sixty Seconds. Happiest gay black man I’ve ever met.

Definitely the woman beating.

I know this is supposed to be an elephant but it really looks like a slugs performing rim jobs.

DestinyLFG works well for me, I have literally no friends that I play with (all my real world friends play different games or don’t game) but I’ve put together a solid list of players that I can hop into games sans mic and rock out.

Holy shit, your idea of sentencing guidelines is so fucking backwards it isn’t even fucking funny. Apparently Dr. Dipshit who got his degree in Bullshit from Go Fuck Yourself U doesn’t understand the mandatory minimums placed on crack over powdered cocaine despite them being more or less the same fucking thing. Or the