
Yeah, my idol is Shooter McGavin! Wanna fucking fight?

He looks about as creative as a dog humping my leg.

“I am a very nice man?”

I wouldn’t say a swarm threat isn’t possible, it just isn’t an issue at the moment. When drone warfare systems become more reliable and expand their mission roles, you may very well see that train of thought creep into vogue just as the rules of warfare have shifted back and forth between the need for a large army or

Every Deadspin employee should have a “I’m a hateful shitbag” tattoo. Even the guy who fills the water cooler unless management makes you drink from the tap like animals.

“I think we can set that bar a little lower.”

Ultimately you run into the problem that Japan had with attrition during WW2, teaching someone to fly demands thousands of flight hours and building what would basically be a kamikaze fleet would leave a huge footprint in terms of surveillance. Iran or any other state couldn’t pour money into it without gaining

Well you can type so I don’t think that’s true at all. BENGAZI.

Face, meet palm. Palm, meet face.

At least he’s not delusional about the time between showing up to work and clearing out the escort invoices from his desk that ESPN typically allows for commentators.

Just stfu.

The production value might give you a hint.

“Like you’re one to talk Mike, you walking vodka sponge.”

Unbroable starring Mark Walberg as an affable ex-juggalo turned guidance counselor and Channing Tatum as an up and coming street rapper named Natty Brat, the twist is that no one has any fucks to give.

“The better question is when the lift kit and chrome rims will rust out.”

Long enough to get home and download the video, my guess would be they are still kicking.

There is no next time! YOU MUST BALL ALL!

Please tell me this hair is ironic.

“I’ll probably end up murdering you in your sleep because I suddenly want to know what a spleen actually looks like but don’t worry I’ll do my best to make sure you don’t bleed out. No promises though!”

TWENTY THREE DOLLARS AND SIXTY TWO CENTS! Plus a free copy of your mom with all of the DLC.