Budget crypto, you get what you pay for.
But it’s about bad boys in journalism!
Hey now, its about ethics in.... oh fuck it.
That’s funny I.........thought...............the.............ending...........................was...................... OH FUCK THIS PORT!
I actually beg to disagree there. Kubrick was both a step ahead and a step behind (consider his choice of aspect ratios in his later career) in regards to his projects. Napoleon as he saw it would have utterly bankrupted him and the studio that backed it, thus we would never have seen any of his other films aside from…
Technically he did, he just happened to go with it. Go with it. Go with it. Nah nuh nah nuh.
Drop it like it’s past it’s expiration date.
*drops the goddamn mic*
Support a game from day one only to find that people buying it a year later have a leg up, then go eat a bag of bear dicks.
Fucking armchair QB’s.
You were expecting PS3 exclusives over a year after the next gen came out? Do you expect your 97’ Tercel to suddenly have a new drive train when Toyota came out with a new fucking Camery? Life must punch you in the balls daily.
Make better comments, gray.
Drug trafficing.... Drug trafficing.... Nope don’t see it, at least he’s being honest here.
Hey now, if you’ve been in an International House of Pancakes in the western hemisphere you gotta know Barry.
Thorn would like a word with you.
Wrong company.
I remember Mike Lange comparing this place to a dungeon, he sounded sober, it must have been serious.