
That’s for women!

Hey future, go fuck yourself.

I have absolutely no idea what people are talking about in regards to the lack of PvP matchmaking frankly, unless I’m missing something in the definition of matchmaking. I think people are getting the raid/strike MM mixed with the PvP or again I’m missing something.

Destiny (speaking only to the PvP here) is probably the most balanced and tight shooter I’ve played for awhile, which is a shame because the overall lack of content is a huge mark against the game. The PvP is almost purely range based engagement with a healthy blend of movement, super use, and environment strategy as

No. It’s plenty fair.

“Injecting politics” is just short for “I hate the gays and their gay agenda!”


There. Fixed.

The first picture he posted looks like her utereus is in her throat.

I'm not the one who hasn't seen a tall muscular woman recently.

Lulz, I hope you have a lifetime supply of kleenex and socks.

Your idea of C-cups is adorable. I'd pinch your cheeks but I don't want your basement stank on me.

Yeah, tell your wife that.

And somehow the breasts and hips are totes natural in your opinion?

"Realistically proportioned tall woman"

Don't pay attention to the silky smooth skin and the Team America style eyes!


Those don't look like spreadsheets to me.

He should announce Half Life 3 and troll the fuck out of us all.

So Google and Google Play are the same thing now?