
Your mom is a dangerous and destructive invasive bitch.

What makes you think I have Google Play dipshit?

Obviously you've never worked for a company that makes their money from data collection. Lol.

Hey, can I have your contact info and credit card number? I've got a twenty year old copy of a game I'll give you for free.

I wasn't trolling, I just need another downloading service to sign up for like I need a functioning asshole on my forehead.

But that means you have to download Origin, no dice kiddos. No dice.

The only thing you need to despise sports media is a sensory organ that can recognize type or language and a few minutes out of your day to digest them.

5 hours of gameplay for a AAA title isn't nit picking, its highway fucking robbery.

Can we get a good movie and you just die?

There isn't enough discussion of boob animations in this article.

True Romance, Inglourious Basterds, Leon, Last Man Standing, Jeremiah Johnson, Darkman, Django Unchained, Robocop, Wanted, Hot Fuzz, Revolver, Predator, Tombstone...

Why Jim Lee's name doesn't come up when discussing great sci-fi designers baffles me.

"This video is private" is four words.

Like a Lego dildo?

"I'm ready if you are."

You like your fruit like you like your dicks, hung low.

So what exactly are the pros of a digital copy again?

I've always said I want Bruce Buffer to M.C. my funeral.
