
Disagreeing with a point is not the same thing as “missing” a point. But you already knew that, didn’t you.

Some people just don’t have a good eye for visual fidelity. If you can’t tell that a game looks better at 4k than at 1080p, then you’re one of those people. Which is fine.

There is no better quest in terms of writing & voice acting. There are tons of other great quests, but none better.

in what game are you dying a thousand times at once encounter?

I’m not sure if you realize that the definition you copy/pasted just disproved your argument. “Hacking” is literally the opposite of precision cutting. This toy was not “hacked into” in any sense of the word. It was carefully disassembled.

The problem with this is that it isn’t “multiple components” that make them classics. That might be one similar trait of many great works of art, but it’s by no means the defining characteristic. Complexity is not the same thing as profundity.

I don’t mind being dickish - this is a stupid article and it makes no sense. Gamer killed a boss with a very powerful spell. End of story. No exploit, nothing to write home about at all.

Yeah I don’t get what all the fuss is about. He used a OHK item to OHK a boss, and everyone is awestruck at his ingenuity?

not according to this article

Well he’s bald and has a beard, but . . .

You’ve got way to much HuD up there, brother. Get rid of everything except the HP bar. Yes, even the mini-map. Free yourself.

Gah how can anyone play with that much HuD. It’s so ugly and intrusive. Turn it off!

It’s really not hard to judge 2 hours of playtime and pull the ripcord in advance if you suspect the game might be a stinker. Valve’s refund policy is incredibly accommodating, especially considering that it’s the first of its kind.

That’s just because you’re used to playing with a controller. The best KBM players will always decimate the best controller players, simply because KBM is way to quick and accurate. Put me (or any good FPS player) in a room with that ^ vs. all controllers, and nobody will get out alive.

You use the word “our” a lot. Just because you have OCD issues in gaming doesn’t mean that everyone does. You literally have no idea if this guy is having fun or not, so how about not telling other people how to play their own games and just deal with your own issues as opposed to everyone else’s.

“With this design, you are in constant contact with the command area. And we are decades away from having the software, processing power, sensor arrays, and mobile efficiency to be able to tell the difference between supporting the device and giving it commands.”

WoW lore is about as far removed from Tolkien as you can get. The term “orc” is basically the only similarity, and that similarity is only skin deep. Tolkien’s orcs are servile brutes that exist solely to murder and pillage. WoW orcs are noble savage archetypes. You’re right in saying that WoW is generic, but it has

no piss filter, please.

misleading clickbait title. there is literally no mention of “Dishonored 2” in that clip.

Your point can’t stand after it’s been revealed that you have no idea what you’re talking about.