
If you try to decipher Hideo Kojima, you’re gonna have a bad time.

How the hell is this championing ANYTHING? It's fucking talking about voice features that do and don't work, there's no praise or slandering in the article.

I'm so tired of Wild West Internet.

Part of being a member of the Master Race involves learning the ins and outs of how games run on the PC, including learning how to troubleshoot problems.

Mad nerd

This thing has already made the rounds on every other website on the internet so spoiler alert: they're all legs. except for the ones that are hot dogs.

I think that every major website with a public forum attached should require that their usebase register via their [valid] Facebook account. Remove the anonymity and you remove 99% of this shit, I guarantee it.

I'm kind of bummed they're not using anything from previously developed concepts because what it sounded like they were going for was amazing. On the other hand, hey System Shock 2 is always a good point of reference—even if it seems every First-person oriented game makes it now.

Obviously. But as I said, nobody would have batted an eyelash had this happened to a guy. How many millions of males are harassed liked this on a daily basis via XBL? How many articles are written for them? This isn't a special case. It's not somehow more offensive because she's a female and if you think it is, well,

So? There's a bonfire right around the corner. Spend the souls.

I got about 25% of the way through it (and it is FUCKING LONG - Too long, actually, even though it is fairly interesting) before I just copied all the text into Microsoft Word and changed it all to lower-case.

Dishonored is nowhere near a Thief clone. It's a stealth game, but that's where the similarities end.

So in other words, Crysis looks better.

Wow and it only took how many months for them to patch in a feature that fans of FC3 were calling for since the release of that game?

I have a hard time believing that this O'Malley guy is blameless. How could he not foresee the inevitable misuse of his "satirical joke." This is a notoriously immature and vitriolic group of people you're dealing with, and the irony of his "joke" is pretty damn opaque.

How is the person a cybersquatter if the domain was made before the WiiU or Wii was out?