
Yeah that's a pretty well known feature of game development called collision detection. Pretty much everybody thinks about, knows about, and notices it in games.

Did you really just say that a popular character should be on a list of obscure characters, simply because this is a list of characters? WoW.

Ugh you couldn't look stupider right now. The article is about THE PHILIPPINES.

What makes you think they'd never play a game on Easy?

Bad satire is bad. Sorry for pointing that out, Chief.

I've been gaming on this monitor for about 4 weeks now. It's absolutely incredible. The only downside is the stand, so make sure you order the VESA adapter from LG after you get your monitor (it's free).

so true. the one thing I would LOVE to have back is that in-game map. I play these games for immersion, so mini-maps are never an option. But having to bring up that ugly, awful world-view map every so often is such a drag. Bring back the in-game map!

to you, maybe. but to the vast majority of gamers, detail is important. it adds so much to immersion when you're not holding a blocky polyagonal stick, but a weapon crafted with accuracy and artistry.

Lol are you even serious? Why bother improving graphics at all, by that terrible logic.

Loud =/= Good sound.

Are you being sarcastic orrrr are you really dumb?

There's a lot about FC4 for which there is no excuse. The unbearable frame skipping, the black screen crash, the inability to hide all HuD elements (so close this time).


can't blame 'em after the travesty that was The Desolation of Smaug.

you might want to look up the word "titular."

A game running on a 10 year old engine looks like the future of shooters. /kotaku-logic

And in the end, you missed out on one of the best games of the decade. Every game has flaws. Always-online was D3's. But refusing to play the game because of it is just shooting yourself in the foot & I guarantee Blizz isn't missing your 60. Just be a grown-up, buy the game, enjoy it for what it is (a video game), and

You countered your own argument there - Blizzard has goodwill built up based on decades of building genre-defining games. EA aren't developers. They're publishers, with a history of screwing the customer sideways. Comparing EA to Blizzard is comparing apples to microwaves. It's the sort of knee-jerk comparison

That's cuz any idiot child can buy stock.

This is a man who has clearly never seen a vagina before.