
my very first thought was “oh god I hope this has a happy ending” I’m sooo glad it does!

I’m glad that little buddy is ok.

My sister called me a slut when I came out, because “at least gay people don’t have a choice”. Well, we don’t choose who we fell for, and I was in love with a girl. Now I’m married to a guy they assumed it was a phase and my sister, now a doctor, won’t let me correct people because my dad recently had a heart attack


Word! It’s so tiring the inability some people feel to understand some people like both sexes. God! Dome people are into piss, what’s so unbelievable about liking pussy and dick? Also, they assume you’re into either only men and butch women or feminine women and effeminate men. I happen to be attracted to feminine

Two decades later and my mom still thinks it’s a phase.

Bi erasure is a thing. Sites like Gawker Media, including Jezebel, that have a questionable at best rep with regards to LGBTQ issues do it constantly and they’re theoretically liberal/progressive. Elsewhere it’s a nightmare.

Everyone seems to hate you when you are bi. You get the complete incredibility from men or they are convinced you REALLY like threesomes and are doing it for attention. From lesbians you get disdain. I don’t see them benefit of coming out as bi for most women (and that “just a phase” comment makes me want to punch

Ooh, that is a really good solution; I might think about adopting that. I’m bi, but I’ve been identifying myself as a lesbian for years because if you say you’re bi as a woman people pretty much always interpret that as an equal or greater preference for men. And it’s not particularly fun (or productive) trying to get

I’m curious if the term bi sticks around, because it is in opposition to the terms “continuum” and “fluid”: bi implies a strict gender binary that is by definition exclusive. Maybe it feels right for some people, but it also points to a general lack of vocabulary to describe the rapid pace of possible orientations

Yeah, I saw that. I’m glad someone has the integrity to call this homophobia for what it is.

Yeah and apparently we’re automatically up for threesomes with some other random girl.


Eww. So disgusting. “If it’s news, we publish it.” But it’s not news, though. It’s not news that a guy who works for Conde Nast went to a male hooker. The part that’s news is the part about how Gawker Media helped an escort blackmail his client. I don’t know if what Gawker did is technically illegal; I sure hope so.

BBQ. Meat that stays out too long, gets cooked with unrelable heat on a grill that hasn’t been perfectly clean since you bought it, by someone who downed a 6-pack before starting. Add kids with dirty hands helping bring out the dishes on the table the wildlife scratches its ass on and you have your own E. Coli

there are studies in the media about every 2 months that found fecal matter in/on some everyday object/place

Like, what did I just read? That is not only shitty, lowdown, and homophobic, Gawker just outed this guy using a dickface asshole who was trying to blackmail him. THIS IS NOT OKAY.

These are our two options???

Nah...the douchebag journalist agreed