
Why do so many people feel the need to scrutinize and criticize this? So what if it's not absolutely perfect. It still looks really good and has become quite an iconic image. And it's used as the background image on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad which all have screens that are mainly covered by icons. Most of the

Sad... But the fact is that, even with the $.20 price increase, which shouldn't be as big of a deal as people are making it, it's still cheaper to get in your car, drive to your nearest redbox, pay the $1.20, and drive home than it is to rent that same movie onDemand with Comcast. For you non-Comcast people out there,

I know that when I've stayed at Best Western, Holiday Inn Express, and Marriot Hotels that my Wi-Fi has always been free. I've even checked my bill to make sure I wasn't getting charged with the typical "Resort Fee" that they can tack on to justify services that you probably didn't use.

Because Sprint decided to change the contract for people who already signed up without grandfathering them in until their next renewal, customers with that option on their original plan now have the option to terminate their contracts without having to pay the early cancellation fee. That way, if they do want to jump

but officer....isn't this one of those filtered plants? i thought i was saving society....

for some reason this comes to mind...

I say, this is a tech forum. Let's not turn this into a political argument/bashing. Save that stuff for the political forums and blogs.

You don't mess with The Donald!

How do I get on that mailing list? I could definitely use $8mil right now. GOODBYE COLLEGE LOANS AND GOODBYE MORTGAGE!!!

This is absolutely ludicrous that they can do this. My Verizon bill last month was $183 for my wife and I. And now, on top of throttling my speed, they want to put a cap on it, too? I'm paying $120/mo for my Comcast TV/Internet with unlimited data and uncapped (tho not truly uncapped) speed. How is that even remotely

Given the choice with these ridiculously priced shoes, I'll just stick with my $25 flip flops. They go on and off with barely a thought, and I've yet to have a problem with them.

Soon we will have cyborgs making cyborgs. IT'S THE BEGINNING OF THE RISE OF THE MACHINES!!!!!!

Because it might be the only thing that could possibly protect them from the stoning that they need.

I absolutely hate city pedestrians. Just because there are signs that say drivers must yield to a pedestrian, doesn't mean that it's okay to just come sprinting around a corner and into the road. I've nearly hit dozens of people who apparently never learned or completely forgot what I know my parents bashed into my

motion carried

My question here is, how does one go to so many intersections, dig a hole, and put a stop sign there, all without one person asking what's going on? You would think that with how much most municipalities are money mongers these days due to a lack of an ability to balance a budget, they would want to check

I think that the scariest thing about your statement here is the fact that it's absolutely true. Our government feels that for every decision that needs made, we need a committee, and we need committees to appoint members to that committee, then another committee to decide what that committees responsibilities are.

Incredibly dumb and yet one more reason why we have to narrow the gene pool. And to answer the question, yes, people really are that dumb...

@POTA: When has it ever been heard that a company takes the hit for an increase in cost. That's something that gets handed down to the consumer.