
I absolutely see your point of view and I respect that. I do have to say that I'm glad that you can give your POV without being degrading or anything like some of the people on here. It's open discussion and debate and the freedom to have and be able to voice your own opinion without fear of oppression that makes this

I don't recall reading any articles about Chick-Fil-A denying service or jobs to gay workers or customers. And how can you say that supporting Christianity is the same as donating to an organization that burns crosses and has members that have murdered people? You're comparing apples and oranges here. Having religious

So the fact that they're are strong Christian company that is closed on Sunday was a dead give-away that they're bigots? And what defines a "tolerable Christian?" I've never heard anyone make reference to that or a "tolerable gay" for that matter... What's with placing all these labels now? Isn't every American

You mean there are people on here who like to look at the story as a whole and do research before making assumptions!? Your comment is probably one of the most sensible ones on here, dbm. You obviously did more research on the topic than Casey Chan did, which, I'm sad to say, isn't really saying much at all...

That deserves a +1 lol

Good point!

Why? They're a Christian company and Sunday is a day of worship when most church services are held? What's so scary about that? You act like there's some great conspiracy here...

I have to agree with this. Chick-Fil-A has made no attempt at hiding the fact that they're a highly Christian company. It should come as no surprise that they don't, in fact, support gay marriage. I don't involve politics in my food purchases. I'm not going to stop eating somewhere that serves decent food just because

But you have to keep in mind who these people are. If they're dumb enough to be calling and making threats in the first place, who's to say that they're not dumb enough to just say, "well, this is the number I have for George Zimmerman, so since you have that number, you must know him or be related to him, so I'm

That's not true at all. Believe it or not, most jets the military uses, including the ones that I've been working on for a number of years now, are way over the 20 year mark. In fact, the ones that I'm on now, the KC-135, date back to 1953 and are still flying quite nicely. General cruising altitude for our jets is

More than M&M's inside the dash!

Because that would mean that the lazy people out there would need to get a job and support themselves instead of having the government support them. That would be a travesty and can't be allowed to happen! Whoever heard of a country where grown men and women work hard to support themselves and their family?

But your argument goes back to the privacy settings issue. If I put something out on my front yard for my neighbors to see, then that's fair game. But if I put blackout curtains on all of my windows on my house and only invite select people inside to see my house, that's my business and any potential employer

TSA needs to be on alert now. If passengers start showing up like this, they could be hiding anal bombs. Time for a full-body cavity search! I think I just heard the snaps of rubber gloves...

Those dastardly Canadians! I'll bet they rolled up in this to do it!

Valid or not, like it or not, it is still law. And given the right prick having a bad day, is the extra 10-20 minutes with your music or ebook really worth all that hassle? Not so much, IMHO....

Words can't even describe how appropriate that video clip is to this article and all those tweeting twits...

No. A real man wouldn't have done it in the first place. Regardless of innocence or guilt, like our judicial system or not, it is in the hands of the courts to be decided by a jury of his peers to decide where the fault lies. Is it possible that Trayvon was murdered? Yes. Is it possible that Zimmerman acted in

The article says minus 30 degrees Celcius. And it says his core temp dropped to 31 degrees Celcius, which would be ~88 degrees Fahrenheit.

One thing you have to keep in mind tho is just what you said: He'd been drinking it his whole life. So there's a chance that by now his body has built up a tolerance to whatever organisms may be in the water. It's the same thing as going any other foreign country, especially third world countries. They say only drink