
Huh? What’s the false equivalence? Do you know what that term means, or did you just scroll through List of Logical Fallacies and pick one at random to feel smart? There are lots of athletes in other sports with personalities that aren’t exclusively dickheads (Shaq, Puig, Gronk), but tennis only has bland non-entities

You know about correlation and causation right? I’m a lot less of a dick when I’m winning a game than when I’m losing as is nearly everyone. It’s easy to be cool and chill when you’re steamrolling 99% of your competition.

Seriously? You went to her place of business, insulted her to her face, and then were shocked when her coworker stuck up for her? Do you and your buddies treat all service employees like shit, or was it a special asshole holiday?

Got me there. Refresh my memory, though, who’s the tennis player with a non-dickhead personality again?

God forbid any athlete have any personality. That would really ruin the game. We can finally get back to the 95,000th straight Federer/Nadal final. I can’t wait to hear the vapid platitudes they give in their interviews!

Jesus, how many of you are there?

I’ve only seen the first two episodes and I assumed from there that she would be an anti-hero at best, but likely a villain.

The most charitable read on this is that Tiger doesn’t want to alienate 95% of the golfing population (his fan base and sponsorship target audience) by dissing the insecure fat rich racist white guy who is their avatar.

“Don’t bother trying to talk to her, she’s shy.”

I’m sure the Germans have exactly the word for that dynamic. Sounds fun, but also exhausting.

That doesn’t sound sarcastic. It sounds quite the opposite: literal and direct.

Sky waitress? I guess Kinja doesn’t have a CAPTCHA to weed out robot commenters unfamiliar with human ways and words.

The better advice is distinguishing between feeling or being shy and being a shy person. Most kids (and people) are shy at times, but labeling anyone who doesn’t want to talk right now as a shy person is awkward and unproductive. As usual, the headline makes a more extreme claim than the article itself.

People with taste have the same sensibilities as everyone else, but they’re much better at articulating what’s good and what’s bad, which is why most of them don’t go in for the “all genres or genres are equal/subjective” view. Chefs respond to the same flavors as everyone else, but they’re much better at dissecting

Your mistaken comment was only slightly dumber than my original. No apologies needed.

Genre relativism is cover for a lack of taste. Fight me.

I don’t have disdain for them, but they’re almost never among the best novels. I read a lot of books, and whenever I read a genre novel, I notice a significant drop in quality of writing and storytelling. YMMV.

I missed where I made fun of those people. Care to cite it?

Me too!

He has banished the knife & machete at hikers