
But it’s not a mistake, and it’s not because the headline is confusing. It’s a stupid trope of the internet that, if any specific group is mentioned, some jerks get on and have to comment saying “But why not everyone?!?!”. The problems range from pointless and unwarranted criticism to the propagation of dehumanizing

I’m not the one who’s confused. You’re the one who imagined and inserted the word “just” and then pretended like it was there and posted a confused comment about it even though it wasn’t there. You even literally copied and pasted the section that had literally no exclusionary words or phrases as though that proved

I get that I’m being a dick here, but these posts saying “Why is this only for teens!?!” when it clearly isn’t is a subtler but more insidious type of dickery. Criticizing other people’s work for saying things it doesn’t say is dumb and awful and should be called out.

You mean how it didn’t say “just” or “only” or “exclusively” or any related word, but you chose to assume that it did and then criticize it for saying the thing that it didn’t say? Yep, definitely the title’s fault.

Where does it say that they’re just for teens?

Where does it say “only”?

I’m not really a crossfit hater, but there’s a delicious irony to hear crossfitters complain that other crossfitters are cheating when lots of people think a good chunk of crossfit movements are cheating.

Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.

Have you never had a job before? No shame if you haven’t, but every job I’ve ever had has had some new person busting out a higher level of profanity than the workplace norm was and had to tone it down. Some figured it out on their own, others had to be told.

“Guys” has already become, in one sense, ungendered, as in “hi guys” or “you guys.” It remains highly gendered in other senses, as in you would be very surprised to hear that there’s a guy standing outside your door and open it to see a woman. It remains a word that means “men,” even as it has a couple exceptions that

True, but it’s a very good rule of thumb to not break out profanity in a new setting before you hear some first and gauge the level that would be appropriate.

Oh, quit being dramatic. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings by pointing out some things that were true but uncomfortable. You can have a pity party about how the cherry picked articles you read and conversations you had with teachers confirmed your priors and thus any other ideas or experiences must be wildly off base.

I’ve been an elementary school teacher for years, so I’ve lived these “reading wars” and have a deeper knowledge of this than what you managed to google in the last few minutes and cobble into what you think is some kind of comprehensive picture of the issue. I hear it from people all the time: you heard that people

But your post specifically said “encourage kids to read.” I get that you want to change the subject because you were wrong, but I’m not going along with it. Again, it sounds like you imagined some incorrect “current wisdom” and then made up some other stuff to make yourself sound smart as though you’re the first

It sounds like you’re not looking for thoughts, but just looking to brag.

I’m not sure where you heard about that current wisdom. What I’ve heard is that you can’t just push your kids to read for no reason, because they’ll figure it out pretty quickly. What works best, though is not training them to be readers, but to model being a reader. I can’t tell you how many people bemoan the fact

Correct. That rule about “between” and “among” is one of the fake ones that somebody made up to sound smart and was repeated by other people who were worried about sounding dumb.

These dumb conversations have so many glorious moments of near self-awareness when people claim that anti-racist talk is anti-American, and the clear logical leap that they’re making is “racist = American.”

As I expected, this literally says the opposite of what you said. It says clearly that more money comes from urban (and in some cases, suburban) areas with more minorities. Did you post this as a concession, or are you actually illiterate?

I think the point is that if you practice making time to be bored, you’ll actually do it. It seems like it’s a similar idea to meditation. It might be true to say “How could meditation possibly work? I’d just think about the next thing I have to do or fall asleep!” but it would missing the point of the exercise.