
What? Who said it would be a bad idea for business? Did you even read my comment? I hope this is a mistake. Obviously every network is already trying to copy this model and make faux-edgy TV adaptations of whatever mediocre popular books are out there. I don’t object to the idea of it, I’m just tired of it being the

Let’s hope that there’s no new big show, and we no longer have to live in a time where the highest widely acclaimed cultural achievement is a TV show based on some genre novels.

Agreed. I wonder if it feels more in the culture because Twitter and the internet in general make you hear the opinions of people with your shared interest more than has ever been possible before. I haven’t heard anyone in real life talk about pro wrestling since the 90s, and there wasn’t a single name in this article

Sick burn on college career services, bro. The 8 people that they collectively got jobs last year are gonna be pissed.

Every Amazon Echo story: “You may be shocked to learn that the always-on microphone you paid a data company to put in your house collects your data in a way that you can’t control.”

I’m not sure where I said it was new or that I was surprised. You know, if you’re going to say the exact same thing as someone else, you don’t have to preface it by implying that they’re wrong.

That’s the thing with shooting and defending down the middle in a PK: when it pays off it’s amazing, but when it doesn’t you look like a moron. That shot and save are absolutely nuts.

It’s one of the perks of a sport which more than one county plays. Winning the league championship is nice, but you gotta win the champions league to really be the best. In the US, if other countries have teams that would be competitive with our teams, we stop considering that a real sport.

Who wants a big government managed by unaccountable bureaucrats? We want a small government run by a private for-profit developer!

That’s a fine story if you think of HOAs as clear, fair, contracts between individuals, and maybe sometimes they work that way. What they often are in practice (see example above) is unregulated, unaccountable, undemocratic organizations that can come in and arbitrarily use vague language in those contracts to limit

Um, pretty sure I didn’t say that anyone was surprised or otherwise hoodwinked into being under an HOA. I just said that it’s absurd and arbitrary that buying a house would suddenly mean that Gene down the street can tell you what to do with your car or lawn, and if you don’t like it, he can get everyone to vote

I grew up in Texas, and I can confirm all of that. The social pressure for conformity is overwhelming, the submission to certain (Republican/Christian) authorities is absolute and unwavering, yet people are apoplectic at the idea of tyrants forcing Colton and Cassiddee to read satanic books like Harry Potter in

It’s so odd that conservative places like NC, GA, and TX that hate regulations and love private property and personal freedom fume about the government but are happy to submit to the absurd and arbitrary authority of an HOA.

Tiny amounts of power can transform human beings into talking, blistered dicks

It’s a rule that can’t be followed, so it can be used against nearly anyone who doesn’t have the time, energy, or resources to fight back. In practice it most likely means “an HOA board member thinks the car is old and ugly.” 

This is the right take. He’s missing 1 or 0 at-bats for getting tossed after a bad call that could have realistically swung the game.

“We do not roll our eyes when I put on Better than Ezra in this house. Do you understand me?”

The scabs aren’t people driving for extra income, they’re people who are afraid to negotiate and are willing to accept the crumbs that these big companies are offering.

The standing thing reminded me of this fuckery. I think it depends a lot on what kind of standing you were doing. If you jumped up because there was a near goal, that is totally reasonable and you should have told him to eat it. If you were gearing up to stand for the full 90, you were probably in the wrong.

Great story! Pullup progressions are talked about way too little, and it’s great to remind people that pullups are within grasp of many people who are willing to go at them with a plan.