It’s good to know about the copyright rules, but I’m worried less about anyone getting sued, and more worried about being embarrassed getting caught copying or distributing fake slang.
It’s good to know about the copyright rules, but I’m worried less about anyone getting sued, and more worried about being embarrassed getting caught copying or distributing fake slang.
What’s “wrong”? You didn’t say anything that contradicted what I said. I didn’t say you’d never like new music again, but that you’re unlikely to connect with music the same way you did as a teenager. I mostly listen to new music now, but when I put on an album that was important to me in high school, I have a…
Dinkin flicka
Self own? You made a post that made no sense and no point while copying a term that I used in a clear way and you used it in no logical way at all. Pair that with your computer illiteracy and I think I found the self-own.
Oh, I see, you don’t know how Kinja works. That post was in response to Monkey See, Monkey Dance (you can tell by the little arrow). You’ll figure it out eventually!
Reread your post and tell me you don’t come off as very very pleased with yourself for not liking popular music. “Pop-radio” isn’t remotely coherent as a genre; the only thing that holds it together is that it’s popular and it’s coincidentally one of the only things you don’t like and think you’re really fascinating…
You’re in the same teenager trap yourself
I’m impressed that you wrote out this long weird flex about listening lots of music but are still stuck in the teenager trap of patting yourself on the back way too hard for not liking popular music.
Although in most cases, they wouldn’t even recognize good rock music when they hear it, they’d just bitch and whine about how it isn’t as good as it used to be.
TL;DR Old guy spends an hour proving the cardinal rule of rock music: whatever you liked when you were a teenager will imprint and you will never again care about any music the way you did then. This is almost as bad as Leitch’s Jamboroo/Funbag fill-in when he asked “Is there good rock music now?” and then googled…
I’m confused. The design was the least bad thing about that trailer. Without new and actually funny dialogue, no visual redesign is going to help this movie.
Fun idea, but it also feels like a trap for olds. Dictionaries and atlases put in fakes to catch copiers, and this might have the same. I’m not here get Margaret Meaded.
Southern black culture has been a major contributor to wider American pop culture for many decades now, so the region might not be so easy to tell.
The real solution to make it more skill-dependent is to have the free kicker hit the ball with a bat and replace the goal with a fence and rename FC Barcelona the Lehigh Valley IronPigs. No wonder soccer never took off.
Any reasonable person would be covering his or her nuts and face, most likely by being in the fetal position.
That’s probably true for all sports, but the NBA (and college basketball, too) are particularly irritating in this regard.
You could say that about the last few playoffs for the Warriors. I feel like I’ve only seen one, maybe two, good Warriors playoff games. They either click and demolish the other team or don’t click and are a shambling mess that is terrible to watch.
Exactly. One of my coworkers was complaining on Friday that all of her friends were spoiling the Avengers on social media, and then spent the rest of the day looking at social media and complaining that her friends were still spoiling the Avengers.
Capital One isn’t the only shitty company operating phony coffee shops.