
It’s so weird that the the most hardcore conservative free marketers unwaveringly support this crap. It’s a good reminder that American conservatives have successfully sold the “free market” as “rich people are better than everyone else and should never under any circumstances be taxed, impeded, or criticized.”

Those team’s coaches and friends are also “selling” private lessons for totally reasonable fees.

Sick burn bro. I was joking and admitting my mistake, but apparently joking is “doubling down.” I will now commit ritual suicide for not knowing or caring about the ugly logos on the jerseys of bad soccer teams. You have shown me the error of my ways. I am everything wrong with the world and am human garbage. If you’d

I know, right? Jeez, second tier soccer teams have dumb logos on their jerseys. Message received.

Glad to do my part!

Yeah, but Villa’s look worse than the others. Maybe it’s the arched nameplate.

The Villa have arched nameplates which makes it more distracting, but you’re right, every team deserves a card.

Villa deserve an extra card for the weird swirly things next to their names on their jerseys.

Whenever hardcore nerds complain about these movies, I can’t imagine how they ever got through the comics, especially those big crossovers. For every good series, there were several others that were semi-literate, self-important, incoherent fan service or wish fulfillment.

Me too. I found a lot of it schmaltzy and fan-service-indulgent and overly self-serious, but it was about as good as a movie that hyped and anticipated could have been, and a pretty nice send-off for a decade’s worth of movies that I generally liked.

I missed the sham part of the review. Where was that?

Wow. I’ve never encountered someone so unaware, delusional, and illiterate in a comment thread, and that’s quite an achievement. You’re clearly wrong, there are thousands of places to find why you’re wrong, you can’t find a shred of evidence to support you, and you’re pretending like I’m the clueless one. Your only

difference between colored people and people of color is semantics

Did you even read that article? Did you even skim it? The only mention of using “colored” is in reference to how outdated that term is, never even implying that it is appropriate to use now. You still can’t show anything that remotely supports your use of “colored folks” as equivalent to “people of color.”

Still waiting on those links. It’s funny that you found so many that you couldn’t be bothered to copy and paste even one even though you could so easily win this argument by doing so.

Yeah, Netflix original content is great, but only as 1/3 max of what you pay Netflix for. If the rest goes back to a circa 2008 Watch Instantly selection, Stranger Things isn’t going to prop it up.

Still waiting on those citations.

I’m sitting here looking at a bunch more that would suggest otherwise.

Colored folks? I’m afraid to ask what you mean by that.