
I know that a lot of times evolution is not taught in high school, for fear of retribution of firings, etc., but to me, it's like a math teacher not teaching kids the Pythagorean Theorem. It's such an important tenet of biology. And frankly, it becomes difficult to debate with anyone on evolution vs. creationism if

Darwin considered himself agnostic—like many of the time, he was brought up religiously, went to school for a while to become an Anglican pastor, and was apparently somewhat religious while aboard the HMS Beagle, but after the trip, was much less so. He questioned the Bible as history, and over time, his faith

Oh, yeah, no, it was weird. First, she thought she needed to confirm with my parents that it was ok for her to prescribe me birth control, even though I was old enough and it was their idea. Then, as she's doing her business down in my business, she starts talking about how she was invited to give a talk at the local

I don't know if non-students or non-faculty/staff can use them (I'm pretty sure they can if it's a big enough campus), but in my experience, the doctors at college campus clinics are more than happy to prescribe you whatever damn contraceptive you want. I used to get so much side-eye at my family doctor when I went in

Yeah, actually, I was really curious about that. I know that schools can only offer so many scholarships, per NCAA regulations. But if Justin Combs were to turn down the money but take the scholarship title, would they still be allowed to hand out another scholarship? Or would he still count towards the total? I mean,

As others have mentioned, she'd already gone pro, so she wasn't allowed to compete in NCAA events. I think she was team manager or something? But yeah, if she hadn't, and was there as an athlete on a scholarship, then more power to her.

I've seen this argument thrown around a couple of places now.

I also want to know if we would be this mad if it wasn't Diddy's kid. Like, I get it. People don't like Diddy. That's fine. But would everyone be this pissed off it it was Meryl Streep's son?

That picture scared the shit out of me. Holy cow.

He's a racist dick. He goes on about how this kind of thing is his "schtick." Being racist isn't schtick. Being racist is being fucking racist. Same goes for homophobia and sexism, and just general class A douchery.

Except that it was a merit-based scholarship to be awarded to a football player, regardless of that player's financial need. If they were to turn it down, it would simply go to another football player, again, regardless of that player's financial need. There are lots of other merit-based scholarships that aren't

When I first saw Jean-Ralphio, it was out of the corner of my eye. My head whipped towards the TV and my brain was all, "Andrew Garfield?"

The idea behind the athletic scholarship is that School X wants a really awesome football program. Because if they have a really awesome football program, people will buy tickets. They will buy food and drinks. They will buy merchandise. Rich people and alums and boosters will donate money, so that the program can

This is about Justin, not his father. The money comes out of the athletic department and is doled out in a merit-based system. Even if he does turn the money down, there is no guarantee that the school will offer that money to another player, nor does it guarantee that the next person in line that they want to recruit

Yeah, no, I didn't like it either. I didn't like Kristen Wiig's character, as I found her to be unlikeable. I couldn't believe that Maya Rudolph's character would ask her best friend, who was obviously not in a great place financially, to pony up all that money for a dress and a trip, etc. etc. The constant

I might be one of very, very few, but I didn't like it. It had nothing to do with gross-out humor, which I have no problem with (and which many folks assume to be my beef with the movie). I just didn't think it was very funny. I found Kristen Wiig's character to be unlikeable and petty, though plenty of friends adored

Dog, quoting his hero, Liz Lemon: I want to roll my eyes right now, but the doctor says that if I keep doing it, my ocular muscles might spasm and eject my eyeballs.

The USA isn't exceptional just because it's the fucking USA. This is a statement I hear all the time, and it always bothers me. All this statement does is get people excited and make them feel more patriotic for a few seconds, while also suggesting that Americans don't need to do a damn thing to make our country

I think that woman might be my hero. I just erupted into a gale of giggle-snorts when I read that line.

Perhaps? I remember being a little creeped out by them, since it was one of the first books I'd owned with realistic illustrations of humans. I just stared and stared and stared at the pictures. I had so many awesome books—I wish I could remember them all!