
Canada is no longer going to mint pennies due to the prohibitive cost. It costs 2.4 cents to make a US penny. Are we next?

Yes, I think Canada just implemented exactly this plan for cash transactions.

I see you are up to $153 already. This is unfair. You have the platform and publicity of Gizmodo to promote your campaign. If anyone else tried this, no one would pay any attention. This post has over 13,000 reads already. That's what's driving your success.

Surely someone will point out that this was "already covered" by Gizmodo in an earlier posting.

Plus, except for the tsunami disruption, I believe the bullet trains have collectively been less than a minute late TOTAL COMBINED TIME over the past 20 years.

I'll admit to having done it once or twice, really late at night when I couldn't count on a local place delivering promptly. They are fast and consistent. But it was pretty bad.

Two points:

Signal theory doesn't really make sense because GRAVITY is always acting on the mass at the bottom. As soon as the tension is let go, there is no support to counteract gravity other than the spring force of the coil. I think this has more to do with the fact that it's a spring than anything else.

But how hard would it be for a third-party company to create a similar cover keyboard for the iPad? Apple could even do it. It can't really be a killer feature if it can be imitated.

I think Microsoft will find that, just as was its advantage with the DOS/Windows systems decades ago, the fact that the iPad has such a long headstart will make it tough to get people to switch, even if the product is superior in many different ways. And a lot of these features can be imitated by Apple or third party

I saw this 25 years ago on PBS on a show called "Alive From Off Center." Wow. Brings back memories. This was the first "Rube Goldberg" machine I had seen.

Pen. Marker. Crayon. Blood. You're smarter than that.

Pen. Marker. Crayon. Blood. You're smarter than that.

This is not a proper test. The vest is worn on a human torso, which is soft and can absorb impact energy. Placing it on a tree tunk means it has a hard back, and will be pierced more easily. Often people break ribs when they are shot with a bulletproof vest on, but they live because the vest keeps the bullet from

Congratulations! You win one Real World!!

Just remove your birthdate from the profile. You'll see who your real friends are. That's what I did.

Isn't that impossible? How can the universe expand faster than the speed of light?

The "Paletas" book has great recipes.

I recommend the book "Paletas" which are Mexican pops you can make at home. Wonderful flavors like spicy pineapple, avocado, roasted banana, caramel, etc.

How does anyone know the birds are angry? (tm)