
I'm pretty sure that Google Maps looked similarly weak compared to the "established" MapQuest when it came out. Give it time. They have lots of money to fix this.

The really serious flaw I see above is that one-way streets are not marked on the Apple version. Perhaps you need to zoom further, but it's really going to suck if you try to navigate around a city and aren't informed visually about the streets that run only in one direction. I assume the navigation data is there

But it's entirely false.

Snopes is quite credible. They do make proper inquiries.

Have they added any new built-in ringtones other than barking dogs and crickets? Or do I STILL have to BUY a decent ringtone that sounds like a cellphone for use in business environments? This has been bothering me since Day One of the iPhone.

Where's the part about "_37_ Days Without An Accident/Suicide"?

Put this in a Velocity Micro desktop. They come with a clear side window showing the internal components, as well as optional interior cathode lighting. I love my Edge Z55. And Velocity's customer support is terrific.

No, it's climbing up concrete. Only the picture shows bricks.

I'm always dismayed that my views about reproductive rights are supposed to be tied to my views on tax policy, military spending, and other conservative/liberal compartmentalization. IMO, we have done ourselves a disservice by continuing to cast these issues as "liberal versus conservative" as opposed to being about

It will grow purple duct tape from the middle? Amazing!

"Finally"? I remember left-handed pointer icons from when I used to own a Commodore Amiga. How is this new?

I want to know how he ORGANIZED the sheet so he could find answers. That's pretty amazing.

What about the rule against replacing core phone functionality with new apps?

I don't think StreetView is a killer for navigation. Sure, it's kind of interesting but you rarely can make out the street numbers so it's not like confirmation of the address or anything. So long as iOS maps is accurate, I won't miss streetview. Also, I bet I can get to it with Safari browser.

I expected the video to show both sunsets, not just the one at the top. That leads me to think it's theoretical and no one has actually done it.

Is this theoretical, because I think you can't actually get to the top in 3 minutes. Don't you need to transfer a couple of times between elevator banks, like at the old WTC?

That's allowed for the passenger mirror, but not the driver mirror. It distorts distances, as it says right on the bottom of the mirror. If you placed it on the driver's side, people would collide thinking the car in their blind spot is 2 lengths behind.

You missed the Canon D20, which is a good contender.

No one owns the airspace over land. That principle is well-established.

These settings don't exist on the mobile apps.