
Yes! I second this!

Well, I for one was happy they presented a new idea for what artificial intelligence could look like. Haven't we had a million stories about the "threat" of sentient AI? Furthermore, I think you're ideating the film more than engaging with it—it wasn't really a film exploring the dark side of AI, and to make a horror

People literally still say racist stuff all the time with very few consequences. The problem is not that we started having consequences for saying racist things; the problem is that we made it so that being called racist was literally the only consequence. As a society we're much more frightened of correctly naming

Actually, yeah, I think you should be fired for holding racist views. I also think that it goes a lot deeper than "political beliefs." It's not whether or not he thinks that trickle-down economics actually work to create a better society. I really object to people who frame racism and homophobia (and sexism for that

It's a goddamned lie!

A bunch of people who worked on it are upset about that detail, precisely because it's not a first act story point.

Very much so. Highly recommended for a commute or long trips. (That's the only time I listen to podcasts anyways; any other time and I can't really pay attention)

It's not really weird—it's taking representation in media seriously, far more seriously than people do elsewhere. And when you start to realize how bad representation is in media for basically anyone who isn't a straight white dude, and you realize how dehumanizing that is for a bunch of teenagers trying to form their

Please do! It's very pleasant.

Eh…I disagree. In fact, I find it super interesting that people are determined to cosplay as a character who has no definable characteristics. It's something mentioned in this PBS Idea Channel video on Welcome to Night Vale that reinforces what makes the show interesting in the first place:

Agreed! I think of Janelle Monae as a real visionary (too pretentious?) when it comes to the synthesis of high concept sci-fi and feminism, and "Beyonce" is a similar kind of synthesis between personal expression and feminism. She literally takes the personal and makes it political/cultural.

Yup no other music artist in history has a self-titled album

I love that one as well! I didn't realize it was a Frank Ocean too. Makes me wish they'd collaborate on a whole album together.

The woooooorst thing.

That's a little unfair—his early stuff is pretty great, even if it does leave you cold. His lyrics show a real playful/confrontational relationship with words and expectations, and his rhythm back then was kind of mesmerizing. I do think @HomageToCatatonia:disqus is correct in that now as a middle-aged dude he

True, but on an album as crafted as this one…it just brought it down for me.

Loved Superpower—Frank Ocean is fantastic. But Drunk in Love? I'm loathe to say it, but Jay Z seems lazier with every new song he's featured on.

I see your objection—I thought it was the opposite at first. Even though the term didn't start that way, I can see how it now gives implicit favor to Europe over Asia, Africa, and South America.

No, it's to separate Continental Europe from Great Britain, which has been carried over from the British. I don't know that it has any real pejorative meaning outside of the opinions of a specific speaker. In general, the practices of people living in Continental Europe differed more notably from the UK than those on
