
You should read Emma as well.

Hey, thanks!

Absolutely dead on. Madeleine L'Engle was a formative author for me. Her books remain good and readable into adulthood.

Yes, this is my biggest problem with Lewis, but I don't really find it as noticeable in the Narnia books (which, to me, don't really seem very concerned with ethics).

Lewis is reframing the story of Christ as a myth. It's hard to say definitively if this is preaching or not, since "preaching" is a nebulous, personal concept. I don't find it so; I find the experiment interesting and successful in a straightforward way, and having read the Narnia books as a child, as an atheist, and

Um, yes you do. Every episode of every HBO show is available online, whenever you want it. The only difference is the lack of special features.

Well, you can always cancel them? I don't really think it's a "fuck you" as much as it is a "here's a better option."

So, about the same amount of money, but available to watch immediately. That seems an obvious plus.

Honestly, it was the right decision for the wrong reason. Xander was always at his worst when it came to Angel and Buffy.

Honestly, Sokka totally fulfilled what Xander could have been (in my opinion). I felt like Xander held a lot of promise, but ultimately, the writers never really chose for him to have solid plot lines outside his relationships to the others characters. But the way Sokka was written totally subverted my expectation of

It was a reference to the advertising campaign, rather than to the burger itself.

Reread them. You might be seeing them through your teenage impression of them, and thus evaluating the series based on a limited perception.