
Why is this kind of honestly necessary? If we're thinking about Sansa as being a character worth examining, do you honestly think they'll deal with the aftermath of her rape as "honestly" as the fact of it?


I know, let's rape an already abused girl and make it all about the two dudes in the room.

Basically this. Given how much material (and how many characters) they've actively cut from the source, they made an active choice to shove Sansa into a rape scene they easily could have cut from the show, especially given that they've already established Ramsay as a psychopath in other scenes.

I appreciate that!

I have literally never read the phrase "check your privilege" outside of people imitating tumblr social justice pages. Also, maybe people are upset because this topic is unbelievably googleable, and it's not their job to educate people on the ways in which people in power knowingly and unknowingly make the lives of

A big thing no one has mentioned yet: our brain structure is gendered. So yes, gender does have a biological component, and one that is separate from what we're calling biology, but which I will call secondary sexual characteristics. Your sex chromosomal characteristics (ie biological sex with reference to secondary

Please tell me how any of that is more difficult than Thor.

That's basically all I want.

Sweet! Glad to hear it. I haven't played many games at all, but he got me both Portals for Christmas and I tore through them. I'm so happy it has the coop too.

My SO seriously got a new computer just so we can play Portal 2 together! And we're doing it this weekend! Relevant article!

Who is talking about statistics? About probability? Furthermore, your comparison is unbelievably suspect—choosing films for a festival is not the same as a random variable. It's amazing how little people understand probability. One reason the jellybean example is real probability (given that you can't see inside the

Unrelated, but you have -1 downvotes. I was assuming all this time that downvotes and upvotes existed along a continuum of integers, but now I'm forced to ask: what does a negative downvote really say about your comment? That someone aggressively doesn't hate your comment?

Incorrect: being blackout drunk keeps you from being able to freely consent.

Also, prostitution is still overwhelmingly made up of women in desperate circumstances, despite what the sex positivity movement would like us to think.

Yeah, I tend to dislike his stuff—it seems deeply antagonistic, as if attempting to engage with something is worth outright condemnation. I mean, it's well-done, but I dislike it.

Upon reflection, yes. Both actual cannibalism and the "cannibalism through my magic animal" kind.

You're right about the structural problems, but I really think it's loads better in a combined book (of course, it's about 2000 pages so…it's an undertaking). There are tons of thematic elements in both books that are shared/informed by the other, which improves both. Like, you can read Cersei/Jon/Dany as an

I also loved two books of consequences!

SPOILERS for the 4th and 5th books: