
Well they are all apprentices. I think it is reasonable to think that none of them really get to use magic for a lot of practical purposes since they are still learning.

Yeah. I also liked that they've created a bit more tension with the crew, it helps create a contrast between them.

All fair points. I would say that the show runners are, from what I understand, the authors.

Ship names aren't all that important, IMO. It helped understand timelines but otherwise knowing the difference between the scopuli and the anubis.

IIRC, Havelock was only a plot device in book 1. Helped Miller confirm some messed up things were going down on Eros but I could be misremembering that.

I like that they are changing things up a bit and generally fixing some of the flaws of the books.

The problem with the show, if we are going to call it a problem, is that it had to build a very large universe that is dramatically different than the current universe. So that needs to be a central part of the show.

They showed the Havelock scene, because that was the guy Miller put a bullet into during the final gun fight.

That character not dying really does change things. SPOILERS AHEAD so skip over if this is a problem for you.

My point is not that Tara had no other recourse. My point is that her actions are not unreasonable given the situation.

I think you are applying an observer's bias to the situation. Perhaps her best play would have been to come clearn to Rhoades.

I completely disagree with you about Tara and the coke. There is video of her doing cocaine. She works for the US attorney.

Don't expect a lot. They brought her forward from Book 2. I think they wanted to keep Earth relevant and Earth was barely involved in Book 1.

I have to think that the Eros stuff will be the end of Season 1 and set the stage for season 2.

Also, it's not like Johnson really can do anything to stop Holden and his crew. The Rocinante has more ship firepower than anything that Johnson can muster. So while he can do a showdown with Holdren with small arms fire, he probably does not want to tangle with the Roci's heavy guns which would do some pretty bad

Yeah. Talk about great fan service for book readers. Show only people will skip right by that comment whereas book readers immediately "Hell yeah you should distrust those people"

I think your criticism that you don't care about the characters is a bit unfair given we are episode 4 of a huge sprawling space opera type show. If they spent time trying to make you care about each character, we would still be on the Canterbury.

Clearly you weren't reading the Game of Thrones reviews.

Yeah. I felt that was just another example of a GR being an asshole.

I am barely watching this show anymore. None of the characters are likable and while I get that this is a grim world they live in, almost like the world in Children of Men but less grim, but is there a point to the grimness at all? Or is it just episode after episode of pointless sadness and nothingness.