
You say that Euron has Yara as a hostage? That wasn't her body hanging from the bow of the ship?

I think that the show needs to create a bigger conflict between Earth and Mars than the books do because it would be far too difficult to show what is really going on without spoiling where things are going.

Assuming that they more or less still follow the book storyline, they aren't doing mission of the week. Each week's episode is moving the story forward in a way similar to the books, although with some major plot changes.

Pretty sure that was what they used to track it after they lost it and found it.

Room temperature may be relatively hot compared to space but a large nuclear reactor is DRAMATICALLY hotter. We are talking thousands of degrees hotter.

Well Marcos doesn't really show up for quite some time. I don't think I would care much for morphing his story line with Dawes.

Depends on how you look at that. They aren't the ones that used 100,000 people as a petri dish.

The show falls victim to the source content in that regard. The books really treat Mars as mostly an off camera entity.

Holdren ordered the the Roci to kill the doctors escaping from Eros. Holden is idealistic but not naive. He can see the risk that the doctor poses if someone like Dawes has control of him.

Why call him Chieftain? That's odd. Not like calling him Marcos would change things.

The show speeds up a lot of the travel time which is detailed in the books a bit better. No point having everyone wait around. Having said that, the PDS theoretically would be able to get to a much higher speed quickly since g forces would have no impact on them. With nothing to slow them down the PDCs would start

The protomolecule is able to control inertia. Minor spoiler below…

I would imagine they would change that plot line to either a brother or former loved one or some such

You should probably be aware that they filmed 12 episodes but Netflix decided to split it into two seasons after the fact. Which is why it didn't have a mid-season finale.

As someone who has often bristled at the excessive hand wringing over the sexism in this show, I have to say I didn't see that in your comment.

He reminds me more of Jesse Eisenberg.

Completely agree with this. The sex scenes are superfluous.

Wall Street did a pretty good job 20+ years ago doing it.

You should watch Last Week Tonight this week. They do a great job of shaming Hollywood for constantly whitewashing characters.

I actually though this was the strongest episode of the season. I haven't read the books so I don't know where things are going but…