Since I am first, I’ll take the obvious winner.
Since I am first, I’ll take the obvious winner.
Hey! As you can see from the above available evidence, the Suzuki Samurai is a more-than-capable 4x4 with plenty of…
Another dimension? Another dimension.
Gotta admit, that car is pretty dope.
i hate being poor :(
I. Fuckin. Love. These
Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.
Alfas are unreliable, Alfas are unreliable, Alfas are unreliable, Alfas are unreliable, Alfas are unreliable, Alfas are unreliable. I fucking need it.
this will convince nico rosberg to come over and drive in circles now that he’s retired from F1
I feel like it would be healthier for our nation if it went back to being the Winston Cup.
Only in a Dodge.
Torchinsky was passed over? This aggression will not stand, man.
Wow, wasn’t ready for that shock
If they can use this to print money and use some of that money to keep pumping our badass rally machines, I am okay with that.
Sounds like the perfect way for a rich guy to explain the purchase to his wife..... I wonder if a middle class guy can try the same on a WRX purchase.... lol...