It’s official. I have become a dinosaur.
It’s official. I have become a dinosaur.
Came here for this, left satisfied.
Blizzaks on my Subaru Outback. Up up down down left right left right B A
If you want to appeal to a large audience like Car Talk then it’s all about chemistry between the show hosts, any automotive talk is secondary. Tom and Ray could have talked about basket weaving and the show still would have been wildly popular. If you want to appeal to a niche Jalop audience then get technical and…
Yep, Piaggio P180
Back to the days when driving was dangerous and cigarettes were safe!
If this car was in original condition then it might be worth the price, but with all the stupid add-ons it loses appeal for collectors. Modifications rarely add value to the car in eyes of a future buyer. Everyone has their own ideas of what’s “dope.”
Same here, but unless we’re talkin 50% off type of discounts I think I’m still priced out of these.
The state of Vermont just had an orgasm.
Fuck you LA? No, fuck me for living in New England and seeing 50 shades of rusty Subaru Outback every day.
You’ll get an allroad RS, but it will still be an allroad.
FCA is backing themselves into a corner. Betting it all on Trucks and SUVs is fine when gas is cheap, but they will be screwed when gas climbs back higher. What do they have for efficient cars? The Fiat 500?
Freakin amateurs. They could have at least taken out a crowd of innocent bystanders. Kids these days.
This is just the right amount of nasty.
VW really needs to get into NASCAR. Their cheating will finally get the award and respect it deserves.
Any bets on VW spinning off Audi and/or Porsche to raise cash?
F-35 looks great on paper, but not so much in the real world. A-10 is like that forgotten rusty sledgehammer in your Grandpa’s garage. It doesn’t get used often, but when it does there’s no other tool for the job. And it destroys everything in its path.