
Mike Pence arriving to speak about America’s promising future with coal!

With battery storage and PVs or wind there are no power plants or power grids, nor is there the cost to maintain and repair them.

So, hang on a second.

Still doesn’t make sense against the $250 fee that Basement Cat mentioned. Georgia’s excise tax is only 7.5 cents per gallon on gasoline. If you figure average annual mileage of 12,000 miles and a decent fuel economy of 30 miles per gallon (I think that’s a fair number since we’re talking about a small

Welcome to Jalopnik, Mr. Pence.

This is what happens when your legs shut up

Baby on board, ‘nuff said

I didn’t mean teens or young people specifically. I just dislike when people say driving is a privilege. I consider it a couple notches below a right. More of a necessity. Driving isn’t just for entertainment, it serves an actual need (one that can’t be met by other alternatives for millions). There should be rules