Flutterby plant

Because in all the other scenarios, I have the luxury of just reacting. It’s just me I have to worry about—what I do or don’t do won’t be judged harshly or picked apart. As a teacher, I didn’t have that luxury—I was expected to care for 30+ students at any given moment and put their well-being above my own. My choices

Her husband is the publisher of The Federalist. I’d be willing to bet cosplaying extravagant butthurt plays a major role in their sex life. 

Oh, this is good!

Chocolate is a dish best served at half-price.

I occasionally read the DM’s website, and I learned long ago to never, EVER read the comments. I mean, that’s generally true anywhere, but DM’s section is just really terrible. 

Wait a few extra days and go to a bulk store, to celebrate 75-90% off cinnamon hearts day! You can get a whole year's supply for two bucks.

While not everyone can celebrate Valentine’s Day (or Galentines Day), everyone can celebrate half-priced chocolate day on February 15th.

Maybe I hate men ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

So many people in marketing are so bad at their jobs. Or maybe the people over them ignore their advice and just do dumb shit. I don’t know.

There’s a huge difference between “being friends” and “being friendly.” Dumpers say the former when they mean the latter, but yearning dumpers take the former literally.

Weekly Achievement Thread! What’s been going on the last couple weeks? How much booty have you KICKED? Let us know so that we can revel in your awesomeness!

so education!

I have a very short commute and my radio pre-sets are almost all classic rock. Sometimes the only exposure I get to What The Kids Are Listening To is tv commercials or at my salon. I’m also chronically 5 years late to pop culture, so, yeah, I believe this.

The main thing I take from this story - other than the judge is a fuckwit - is that if someone offers you money for sex, that automatically makes you a prostitute...?

Yeah, that was bothering me too. “Pleaded” is the technically correct one while “pled” is what most people actually use, but “plead” in the past tense is just not a word. Sorry, not sorry.

wholly off-topic (and not intending to be glib, given the subject matter), but step for a moment over into the Pedantry Corner: the past-tense preterite of “to plead” is either “pleaded” with the same vowel in the first syllable, or “pled” (preferred, rhyming with “red”), but it is never “plead” as if it rhymed with

While I love sad David Tennant, I hate having him in anything to do with the Trump family so I gave you a star and then took it back because you can't give half stars. 

Now playing

I thought this said Dylan Moran, and promptly thought that his character in Black Books’s response to criticism is the more fun way to go.

Or, the high school could hire a super-young hottie - tall, dark & handsome - like my kid’s high school.  My daughter informed me that all the girls in her class practically kill themselves to do their best for Mr. Snack.

I thought the headline read “...I don’t want a fried baguette”, which I never heard of but sounds absolutely delicious because I am really hungry right now.