Flutterby plant

Dammit. Missed an ‘are’ which should have been an ‘aren’t.’

I have a story from this summer- I’ve been waiting for this post to come so I can share it.

I call it wandering accent syndrome. I don’t do it on purpose, but I find that I pick up the accent of the person I’m talking to. I used to work in insurance sales and spoke to people all over the UK during the course of my shift. By the end of loads of those chats, I’d have adapted my accent a little. It’s a form of

We went trick or treating when I was a kid. In 1981. 

You’re a fucking goddess genius.

Row 35+ please and I’ll have a soft pack of Marlboro red thanks

I always hang my tablet by its case off the thingamy above the table.

Finished this for a friend in the summer

Fucking Kinja. How do I publish a photo? Can’t make the sodding thing work on my laptop and its gone totally loopy on my phone. Grrr

oh, fuck them, the pretentious twats. I have done tapestry (hated every second of it, only kept at it coz I am stubborn and beloved, departed, G’mother had paid for it) but I primarily do cross stitch. I mainly do kits coz I am not able to draw for myself. Although I have made several things for people which I’ve

Where I live you have to reverse park. If you don’t, security call you and make you come out and turn your car around. 

If you want to work internationally, I think my school is still looking for staff. 

Me too. I’m planning to have a snack-free September this year and shed some weight. Then I’ll be a fitter, more fabulous fox myself. 

Fit and fabulous foxes?

I always get haribo with my contact lenses.  I’ve never understood the link. 

I read this a lot, but it’s not true for the whole of the UK.

That makes it harder for you.

I think that sentence would work. It’s to the point. 

Meh, chuck out those feelings. Your grandparents clearly wanted you to have the cash. It’ll give you some options! Enjoy those options! 

Michael Gove is a fuckstick. He could do all the drugs and sex and rock and roll in the universe and he’d still be a complete toss bag. A toss bag that I’d queue up to punch in the face. And then I’d go to the back of the queue and wait again.