Flutterby Plant

I don’t know how else to express this. I’m distraught. My mother once described to me how it felt when Princess Di passed—I always thought it was ridiculous, and she’s the kind of person who follows celebrities so I always wrote it off as celebrity worship. I am not the kind to worship celebrity.

Absolutely crushed by this (as is the entirely of the internet, it seems, and rightfully so.)

So my recent re-watch of Law and Order: SVU, which I’m enjoying very much (now in Season Fifteen) has led to an unanticipated side effect. I have developed a HUGE FREAKING CRUSH on Mariska Hargitay! Should’ve realized this was coming that day I put it down to hormones that her beauty made me cry... okay that was

You will probably get written up for it, though. I got a talking to from the district manager when I worked at Starbucks simply for leaving the shop when I took my break. “It’s not as if you’re outside smoking...you’re just...outside. People feel like you’re abandoning them during your break.” Which, of course, is the

Yup totally works.

I spent a year only reading female authors several years ago (2007, maybe? I can’t remember for sure). It was really eye-opening, both in finding writing I wouldn’t have found otherwise and in seeing just how heavily male my usual reading skews.

This would also alienate the many millions of United States citizens who wholeheartedly support Mr. Trump and have made him the forerunner by far in the 2016 presidential election.

It’s called a mallen streak! They look awesome as hell, imo.

No. People don’t shoot up preschools in the UK. They’ve had gun laws for awhile.

Whose isn’t from time to time? Even the best of us, me, sounds like a dope occasionally.

I will give this kid a whole shiny English Pound to run 20 of these up excusing me from work on full pay. If she’s a tough negotiator, I’ll go as far as pulling it out from behind her ear, but not as far as making “magic” noises.

My parents did the same take away crap left on the floor thing for most of my childhood. I kind of wish someone would do this to me now because my bedroom is a mess LOL.

I live in Manchester.

Thanks for including me on the list. It is surprisingly long with names I never knew were gray because their comments get pulled out so quickly.


But isn’t it spelled Nevaeh?

Definitely a British thing, and I’m pretty sure I drink more heavily when under a Conservative government than a Labour one. Five more years of Cameron is going to be murder on my liver.

Shout out to all my fellow Jezzies who read “inexpensive Yankee candles” and thought about how you only get Yankee candles when they're on the clearance endcap at TJ Maxx.

Do not (do not) search for “German face-fisting” on a work computer.

I’m a teacher. All of my coworkers are amazing, loving people. How can you possibly get into or make it in this profession harboring so much hatred, racism and ignorance? I know it happens, and it’s unfortunate, but I just don’t understand how you can do your job/be attracted to this profession while being so