
DLC wasn't much of an option in this case, but it was a similar situation for Mario Galaxy 2. They just had tons of shit they couldn't fit into the first one, so they just made a new game. 

Same thing happened with Super Mario Galaxy 2. Initially it was going to be kind of like a director’s cut that just included new levels on top of the original game, and they realized they had enough good stuff to just make a whole new standalone game so they did that instead.

Nothing’s too big for spoilers. And people who use the it’s been X amount of years argument don’t make any sense. As I’ve explained many times now, spoilers are just common courtesy for people who WEREN’T EVEN BORN when whatever you’re talking about was created and popular. Now matter how old something is, from FF7,

Dang it.  I want this on Switch; don’t really feel like busting out the ol’ 3DS.  Might have to though.

The only fiddlin I like is in a contest against the Devil down in Georgia!

Why were they bad? Sincerely curious, because I'm considering buying them.

The game uses coins instead of dollar bills, for instance. And every time a player passes Go, they flip over a Grand Prix card (example at left), which starts a Race. Players then have the option of paying one or more coins as an entrance fee to the race. You roll a die to see who places where, and prizes are passed

like this comment if you want to see a Kotaku Dot Com Chop Championship Tournament streamed live on YouTube next week

But, what about people like me who don’t care about Smash and are excited to see July for Octopath?

Can’t see how it was a disappointment, sure a lot of what they showed for the Switch was ports from other consoles, but as someone who’s lasted owned Nintendo console before the Switch was the Gamecube, I’mma looking forward to Hyrule Warriors, Mario Tennis, Dark Souls, Crash Trilogy, Okami and Smash Bros.

I completely disagree man. As someone who doesn’t own a Wii U or PS4 all of these ports are fantastic.

Dude. I have spreadsheets and graphs about my group of friends’ rank progression in Rocket League and Overwatch.

And yet I think his was the only one I read in its entirety.

I wish they could’ve just done with it what they did with Final Fantasy 4 Complete on the PSP. I mean look at it:

Shit. I’m on Android, too. Time to die I guess.


This screams of “fulfilling contractual obligations that they can’t get out of.” Even if this costs them nothing from a development standpoint I can’t imagine that these will sell enough to even cover the cost of going through QA and certification. Like you said, they may already have set up a team to do that, but

I’ve worked professionally with hundreds of 5-year-olds. This is literally how the majority of them act. They are toddlers, the world all revolves around them and their needs. While yes, rules and boundaries need to set, there was nothing out of the ordinary in this story that I have not seen in hundreds of

Considering Mario’s preferred method for destroying masonry, I don’t think there’s a soft spot anywhere on his body.

You know I did think about this! But the next day he landed a front flip on a trampoline after months of practice and he only turned 5 two weeks ago!

I guess my point is, he’s learning these lessons every day in different ways and not everything needs to be a lesson. Despite my whinging in the article we had so much