
I don’t understand the expectation of hype for technology that has been talked about for years and hasn’t really been released yet. Maybe by the oculus rift 2 or 3. I’ve never invested in anything that hasn’t been extensively reviewed by the public and demonstrated it’s viability. Being a tech enthusiast doesn’t mean

Would be nice if they’d just open source it and leave it to the community to manage. Even if they had to gut some of the integration with Google services to make that possible, there were a lot of great desktop capabilities.

I skipped ahead right to 30 seconds of not being able to hit an enemy because of not locking on... came to the contents just to make sure someone else was frustrated as well...

When I heard fugue, I immediately assumed it was about the rise and fall of good and evil as the force continues to oscillate between balance and disturbance. The Force Awakens had me thinking a lot about how history repeats itself and old wars are refought in new generations.

Well, there is a movie...

Love Star Trek. Loved the puns! Also love Voyager! I denyyy nothing!

Latinum is in TNG and Voyager as well I thought...

Picard also likes archeology/music/theater of other planets from time to time... most of the shows featured alien musicians at some point or another, (...and of course alien music is only cool if they have extra fingers, a 5 octave vocal range, or are playing a weird spacey instrument), and occasionally references to


Sounds familiar... come home, eat dinner, watch TV, then most of my gaming occurs between 11-12 when my wife falls asleep on the couch and I have a window before I have to wake her up, give her medicine, and we go to bed (midnight is bedtime). If I’m awake enough I sometimes then get back up and play from

Bah nevermind - didn’t read closely and honestly thought you guys were talking about Stalchild ... yes, Redeads were terrifying!

I think those are actually Stalchild’s:

I actually remember enjoying the collecting since each character’s stuff to collect required the unique capabilities of that character. Probably helped that I played it when I had unlimited time and limited games, so I wasn’t as concerned with the game respecting my time as I am now. Looooved the DK rap in the opening

yeah, I see the general sense of sport as any kind of competition, and a professional sport is a competition that the competitors play primarily to earn money (it’s no longer about being better, or having fun, it’s about earning money). The type of activity isn’t that important. You could say it needs to be something

With so much text having already been translated between the two games, it makes me wonder if an automated machine-learning based translation would make a decent starting point for the 3rd. For reference, where some translation algorithms are based on language-to-language dictionaries, others are based on

Mario Sports Mix ...

Yeah, I always kinda wondered if Jason Schreier would’ve liked Xenoblade Chronicles better if he’d spent more time with it... game took a long time fully experience and I think a lot of the complexity of the combat, armor, leveling, party management, etc came in the later portions. Most of his criticisms were spot on

some kind of crazy squid racing where you paint your course as you go?

I hate to be that guy... but... I'd love to benefit from this, but my work machine already has enough performance issues and I find Chrome to be one of the worst offenders these days as a general RAM hog. Every tab and every extension gets it's own executable, each of which ends up with a lot of RAM allocated. Since