
I loved the booty bouncing flute player! I thought that BBQ scene was awesome because it looked like it'd be super fun if you wanted to be there but also a total panic attack if you did not want to be there (like Lawrence.)

I do get very tired of people taking that "voice of a generation" line to heart. I did like seeing Issa "respectfully decline" a sex act she didn't want (and the guy going with the flow about it) but I also don't see it anywhere in the same world as the way sex is shown on Girls. That being said, although it wasn't a

I feel for all of them. If I were Issa, I woulda been tired of Lawrence having no drive and just coasting and be enticed by someone who seemed more with it and just more alive. But if I were Lawrence, I'd really perk up to Tasha telling me I'm a decent man and I'm not actually trash (because even though he seemed

I rewatched it recently and it really holds up! I forget just the sheer amount of swag Will Smith had.

I mean…it is 100% a condemnation of toxic masculinity, right? I haven't seen it since it came out but I was also a 15 year old girl who fancied herself a film buff but obviously had very little life experience and wasn't the best film critic at the time. I just thought it was shocking and shock value went a long way

It is very good BUT they do say "hookers cut to look like movie stars" about 10 times too many so that's why I would move it down to #8.

Around that time my family got a brussels griffon (the breed of dog in the film, but a runt one so he was tiny) and we felt very cool because everyone was very hyped on that doggo from the movie (we didn't seek it out, either, it was just a coincidence that my cousin needed to find a home for the dog!)

See, I found that punk pop compilation article really annoying (much like the "was this the worst week of music?" piece) needlessly condescending while I thought this piece tried a lot more to be balanced. And the question was "how would Lilith Fair be done now?" and the writer's suggestion is "make it more diverse in

I was relieved at how balanced and informative this article was compared to most of the music writing on AV Club these days so I'm surprised to see people read it as raggin' on Lilith Fair. It was nor a very stylistically diverse festival, that's the truth! And these days, most big festivals have multiple genres so

I saw Girls Trip and of course fell in love with her because she was adorable and hilarious but I hadn't seen any interviews with her so thanks for posting this, what a crazy story!

I can't believe you're getting so much push back on this- I 100% agree, music criticism (and TV criticism and basically everything) on AV Club used to be, in my opinion, more thoughtful, interesting, and there were a number of authors I looked forward to reading. It's okay that it's changed, staff is going to come and

Between this article and the Punkorama one, I'm realizing the presiding AV Club music criticism formula is "attack low hanging fruit" + "painfully forced similes and metaphors that they think are much more clever than they are" with minimal discussion of the music itself.

I have a soft spot for The Carnival because it was really the first rap album I got into (I usually just got rap through the radio and MTV.) I don't think it was necessarily great but it was fine! Also agree about MMMBop, it was overplayed (to say the least) but it's a pop gem.

I guess I'm gross but that doesn't sound that bad to me? You washed and cooked the floor meat, I would expect much worse!

Have you eaten the chicken? It's markedly more juicy and chicken-like than the chicken offered at other fast food chains (especially when it comes to nuggets.) I also happen to like the flavor of the breading but I could see not liking it because it's not super crisp. Also, waffle fries. I don't necessarily think they

While that's interesting and all, I think the point still stands that colloquially "girls trip" is one way such a thing is described. Would it bother you less if it was "girl trip"? I feel like the s (which in this case is just plural) makes you think it's supposed to be "genitive,"

I do think there is a hygiene aspect, at least for me. There are some perfectly healthy discharges that I excrete at various times and when I have let my public hair grow really long, it gets much more messy down there. Of course, I shower regularly, but I do in fact feel cleaner when I trim. Of course, everyone is

I've heard him say similar things in interviews and it's just like yeah, for a while at least, if you're a little weird and outside the hip hop mainstream, your audience is going to lean on the white side (I'm a white lady in my 30's so I'd fit right in at that show!) But I can understand why he's frustrated because

I love his music but his interviews are like an amazing, just-as-good bonus gift to the world, I do the same thing on YouTube. Also, I find him very handsome so basically he's got me fully invested (but I don't like Sprite.)

I'm not religious (agnostic is even overstating it…not only do I not know, I don't care!) and couldn't date an even slightly religious person (and luckily my husband is on the same wavelength.) That being said, I do participate in "culturally" Christian activities like Christmas because that's what my family does and