Also, fuck it, I’ll go there. She’s so despicable that I’ll go there. Have you ever seen a more punchable blind mole rat ass kind of face? Restrain me wise Emma.
Also, fuck it, I’ll go there. She’s so despicable that I’ll go there. Have you ever seen a more punchable blind mole rat ass kind of face? Restrain me wise Emma.
Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.
Clearly the parents have no idea raise a Roof.
I’m tired of people telling me what words I can and can’t use at work. I’ve recently made a conscious effort to stop saying “sorry” for innocuous stuff, and people have commented that I come across as “terse” or “cold.” But if I say “sorry” for the innocuous stuff, then people would think I’m weak. So what the hell am…
“did i stutter, bitch?” always works for me.
Other Random Women Who Call Themselves Experts and tell other women how to talk, act, dress. I don’t want a man to tell me what to do and I don’t want another woman to either. So fuck off mother fucker. JUST stop with the micromanagement of words and thoughts. Just stop. Fucking assholes. Police your own damn selves.…
Ugh, my child is not a crotch-dropping. She was forcibly wrested from my uterus through my abdomen, thankyouverymuch.
Front Porch Step
Two things:
I didn’t want kids at my wedding but my now husband gave me a heartbroken look when I said that so I pivoted and not only welcomed kids but hired two sitters to watch the kids and we even had a playground at our venue and reminded parents to bring a change of clothes for their kids. If kids are guests every effort…
It seems like most media outlets are afraid to touch this story with a 10’ pole. I suspect that the fact that he is black (some people are very sensitive to any story that many be critical about one or more black person) and his victims are Asian (a race that people still don’t care all that much about) is at least…
I...I can’t tell if you’re being serious.
We need a word for the particular racism/sexism Asian women face, like we have Misogynoir for Black women.
Lets not ignore the fact that targeting Asian women in particular, a subset of women who are constantly treated like subservient property by mysoginists and racists alike, is a major issue in itself.
Is a possie a baby possum?
Yes! But that’s not enough for the Feminist Police on here. Seeing a lot of shamey second wave comments or “this isn’t feminist activism waaaah” comments on here. Even the tone of the interview questions is a little gross. *Sigh*