
She’s a teenager, speaking months after the fact during which she has probably had plenty of time (and coaching) to come up with a story. Who knows what her rationale was? It would well have been a momentary impulse without a lot of thought behind it.

I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.

She is going to get so much hate. I would not have come forward if I were her.

He’s clearly in the pocket of Big Penguin.

“Mr Pruitt, the ice caps are melting at a rate where most of the Arctic animal population could be extinct in the next 25 years”

It’s likely your local church would have an idea.

You sound exactly like you just finished Women’s Studies 101.

He is the King of Dirty Looks. Can’t imagine where he gets it.

I’ve never understood why it wasn’t free to begin with in public school systems. The books are free, the desks are free, the sports equipment is free, the A/C is free - but the cafeteria isn’t?

Kids should eat. People should have food. Food shouldn’t be politicised.

Oh, and I spilled his french fries and he wasn’t even mad.

I keep seeing coverage of them here. I still don’t know who they are, and I hope I never find out.

Yeah, let’s be honest, she’s at minimum Third Daughter.

Every cabinet member appears to be in a deranged competition to see who can do the most brazenly awful things.

Hot ham water.

The problem is that Obamacare repeal failed because it required the GOP Congress to pass legislation. They couldn’t do it. Overturning Trump on DACA would also require legislation, so...

I, like most moms that I know like, are like that. We like our own kids, but we take other kids on a case-by-case basis. We like individual kids as people, but kids as a category? Phhbbbt.

For some reason Angie has never really seemed like a very sexual person, to me at least. Or maybe people like that can spot each other? I literally cannot imagine her getting it on with anyone, and although she seems to like “looking” the vixen, there just seems to be a cold, remote, un-self-loving person under there.


I didn’t choose celibacy, celibacy chose me. I miss sex but I’m also like Cher from Clueless: “You’ve seen how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet.”