

I agree. I can’t figure it out.

Distraction and division.

Yes. I work directly in politics (uh, the good ones?) and I’m in the midst of fairly severe burnout. I’m good at my job and passionate about what I do, so I can’t quite feel like it’s time to exit stage left. Instead? Nights and weekends- no news, no Facebook, no politics. I just bought a stack of fashion magazines

Eep sorry no time to write, deleted!

Thank you. It’s literally my job to watch federal politics and this week, this has been a week.

I have permanent neuropathy and lingering scarred tissue in my back from my father, a man who openly, publicly explains he ‘knew’ I was evil at the age of 2 months. He traded me amongst uncles before I was in grade school. He’s ‘proud’ of what I’ve become, because he thinks the belts and the torture had some part in

As someone who made her way through these academic programs, has 15 years of policy experience, and still considers herself under qualified for this role - fuck hesitation. Also screw this administration, they’re flipping the bird at all of those who have invested our lives in finding solutions to intractable

Beyond politics, this is horrific and chilling. I’ve had a door open for me to work on the hill this past year, and chose not to for many reasons - safety being one. My gut feeling is this could have almost been expected :(

yup. I saw this picture on another site and just thought, wow. she looks beautiful- I hope she’s doing well. Can’t it be as simple as that?

thank you. this is what I say whenever I see this story (not much here :) it bothers me that a feminist site and members join in deriding this child - because she is a child. acting out as traumatized children do, and needing the protection that they all deserve. it makes me so uncomfortable, though I am somewhat

That and bureaucracy.(I work for the government, sadly they’re words I face frequently!)

That was my second thought, too. I can’t even imagine :( I hope she has a good support network

It is constructive! I work in federal policy (not in DC thankfully), and I am learning that intentional disconnection is as important as diving in. I really should be working tonight, but with this, I can’t. I’m done (for tonight). I’ve never watched Community before, so I’m giving it a shot. Also, kitties are pretty

Oh, god :(

This is verbatim an email I got at work today. I work in this industry. Pure gold.

I work in an agency that relies on federal funding - it’s my job to write the summary and response talking points to the skinny budget release. I wish with all of my heart that I could simply send out the headline of this article as my summary- you nailed it. Except for the actively preparing for war part, we knew

I work at a large human services agency, where nearly everyone in leadership is a woman (most women of color). We serve hundreds of thousands of people in deep poverty in an irritatingly wealthy area. Monitoring the House Energy and Commerce committee probably all day, fighting to save healthcare for so many women,

Thank you for sharing it

I feel you on all of this. Thank you for naming it so well.