“Why were you fired from your last job?”
“Why were you fired from your last job?”
I’m a POC who has been organizing with anarchist *friends* (not allies, a distinction that is important to me, because allies are people who I have SWOT meetings with, or powermap with, or see at benefit shows or jail support) for several years now. My anarchist friends are my friends who happen to be anarchists. We…
Antifa is a German style abbreviation for a German organisation (Antifaschistische Aktion), which goes back to the time before Hitler’s rise to power. If you don’t want to call them Antifa, you can use the acronym used in Sweden, which is AFA.
Good Evening, Jezzies!
Kind of a tangent, but with UVA and NKorea and Venezuela (and...and...and), just want to say how much I appreciate Dirt Bag. And it’s healthy!
I’m still in disbelief that we’re apparently issuing governmental policy via 140 characters on a third-party private service.
Ugh I love her, if only because her positivity is such a welcome antidote to how our society expects trans women to be: the tragic victim in our own story. Or the villain. Just showing that you can be trans and proud and also happy is revolutionary.
Is anyone else super uncomfortable with the way the Taylor Swift case is being covered? This one wasn’t so bad, but the “omg look at the line to view the trial/this court sketch/etc” seems so gross when we’re talking about an assault case.
This is a good thing. There are only around 1,200 days left in his presidency, tops. Any amount of that time he’s distracted by news about himself, he can’t spend fucking more shit up.
In the backdrop of the Iraq war and the whole “Weapons of Mass Destruction” lie used to sell us a war, it’s hard to tell if this is truth or merely agitprop to prep us for another war. The previous predictions for NK reaching this threshold was sometime in the 2020's at the very earliest, so it seems like a pretty big…
Perhaps put it on a gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond? And add a couple of their 20% off coupons. She’ll need a lot of stuff, and that way she can stock up her room without trying to fit everything into her suitcases for the trip east. And maybe one of those advice books geared towards college students? It’s awesome…
I guess gift thread? My neighbor kid is going to college out east, art school, she is tremendously talented. I love her parents but they are pathologically cheap, hoarders, and not good planners. I have 200 dollars to send her on her way in a week and I want to get her something helpful in her everyday life. Nothing…
omg that sounds so exciting. i wonder who will win...?
It doesn’t matter, they’ve already decided to hate Booker and view everything he does through the most negative lens possible.
There is a zero percent chance that there are no indictable crimes in Trump’s recent past—and I’m not talking about the election. I don’t think anyone in NY real estate could survive concerted scrutiny by someone like Mueller and his team. That’s why Trump is so fucking worried; I’m sure he thinks he can manage the…
This is interesting. I’ve been waiting 6 mos. to see someone say something like this. Just didn’t expect it to be Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ):
: ( Bobby, I think this is the first time where I actually gasped and thought “what? That’s not cool!” about something you wrote. : ( : (
I want you to think about the many ways your question is stupid.
Again - they are gearing up for an attempted coup/dictatorship (I said attempted before anyone get’s all “that would never be successful!!”).