I am lol’ing at the sexy, just gave birth bed picture.
I am lol’ing at the sexy, just gave birth bed picture.
Hey, Jennifer. We’re out here. Hang on, get low. Even if it’s a bumpy ride you can’t fall off the floor.
Here’s the thing about the Mooch: he’s not just coked-up, he’s irony-deficient.
I’m convinced Scaramucci hates Trump as much as he did back in 2015 and that this is all an act to bring down the administration.
You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?
“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”
As someone who is from and still lives in the deep south...... snatch a knot is like.... not a term I have ever heard in my life. Maybe I’m not as Southern as I think I am? But like... Who the fuck talks like that. He’s just trying to be down home folksy, truth-sayin’ Southerner, and he’s not.
Can Twitter just shut down already? For years they were having financial trouble – which I’m not sure they’re out of at this point – and run around acting like how you’d expect the “disrupting” silicon valley types to behave. But it would just be the most beautiful gift to humanity from those insufferable D-Bags to be…
Am I the only person who thinks that district looks like male genitalia fucking the rest of the state?
The newly militarized police will shoot us in droves. I don’t mind being beaten up a little, but they are killing people and/or giving them life sentences for rioting. I have a kid.
I’m concerned that this vote will go through. McConnell’s argument at this stage is that everyone should vote on the motion to proceed to get the AHCA (the House healthcare bill) to the floor, even if they don’t like it, so that it can be amended over and over until it’s an acceptable form.
He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.
Told he likely had just months to live, McCain vowed to return to vote on the GOP Healthcare Bill so that he could, “Take as many people to the grave with me as I can.”
I generally consider Baptists, reformed and Pentecostals to be evangelical protestants and Methodists, Lutherans, and Episcopalians to be “normal” protestants. It may seem like I am splitting hairs, but I never had a Methodist, Lutheran, or Episcopalian pastor tell me my gay cousin was going to hell, I’m sinning…
Oh, Giuliani is just as bad as Sessions on race, drugs, voting rights and pretty much any policy one can think of. He can occasionally sound more tolerant because he lives in New York, where it is a necessity.
“Huntsman is already nominated for ambassador to Russia.”
Trump doesn’t give a shit about what nuns think. In his mind they’re all just broads who were too ugly to find a husband.
I never understood why he took the job. Can’t these rich fuckers just go somewhere and enjoy being rich? God wealth is wasted on the rich.