
Hi friends! This week I took a big and risky leap by quitting my day job to focus full time on launching a new civic action website for feminists. I’ve raised money to hire a graphic designer for the site and have savings and some side gigs to survive financially myself but it’s still a bit scary overall. Anyone else

bless ya for your work, and your kindness in it

Transporting 100 ETOH patients would be a nightmare, logistically. Even if you put two per ambulance, that’s 50 separate runs. Factoring in the heat, a lot of them probably needed IV hydration, which means you need a medic and not “just” an EMT (note: I’m an EMT, don’t @ me. But at least in my state, we can’t start

They’re fucking with us and loving it because it makes us look like fools unable to lead the free world, which, with our current choice of leader, I can’t really disagree with.

Men are dangerous to women’s health.

That’s cheaper than chicken!

Counterpoint: Nobody’s really there for the movie.

I feel like these two pictures are more relevant now than ever

Critics are shitting all over “Gypsy” on Netflix (Naomi’s new show) but I can’t stop watching it. It’s got a 24% from critics on RT but an 86% from viewers. I do get a little stressed out watching it though, but I’m certainly entertained.

Thank you for sharing this. Maryam’s passing is hitting the math community pretty hard. Cancer can go ahead and divide by zero.

So,Tamacoochi then?

And there are worse “complements” out there, one joyful day a coworker told me that I had beautiful feet (I was wearing sandals), then he added “I have a foot fetish, I love looking yours” then he complemented with a “today is my wife’s birthday and I do not know what to give to her”.

Devastating teardown of GOOP’s anti-science posturing. I think I fell in love reading this:

I can see all the boning in that corseted dress. Don’t feel bad. That woman is cinched within an inch of her life.

I’ve had no children and I hate her too.

My understanding is that the assumption is if you vote for it, the big donors will throw enough money at you that you’ll win through sheer dollars. Do the right thing and you lose your campaign funding. It’s just a horrible statement of the health of our democracy right now

Just a note- they’re totally going to vote in that Senate Health Care bill this week. The good news, there’s two definite no votes so far, that being Susan Collins and Rand Paul. The bad news is the remaining moderates are hiding in a bunker hoping nobody notices they haven’t said no yet. Supposedly, they’re too

I just want to shake some of these people and say, “You are alive in this beautiful body of yours NOW! Right NOW! You will have this beautiful body to do things with, enjoy and embrace for a VERY short amount of time. If you are healthy, you are LUCKY. If your body accepts food and uses it to give you the energy to

I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
