I’m not sure if this makes me a feminist but I believe that women have just as much of a right to be snobbish elitist douche bags as men do.
I’m not sure if this makes me a feminist but I believe that women have just as much of a right to be snobbish elitist douche bags as men do.
Amber appreciated the brilliance of Slutwalk, too, which is why she co-opted a thing that had been around for four years already that was conceived and implemented by many women who were not her and slapped her own name on it and convinced people it was her idea (it was... not).
The headline makes this sound a lot more ominous than it was.
I heard if you insert a chocolate coated tampon into your vagina you will shortly afterwards poop Hershey’s kisses. It true. I read it on the internet. I think it was Goop.
No, they’ve essentially instituted a Chicago-specific draft.
Couple that with his reputation, and I don’t get how folks are comfortable working with him. ... But I do know that the industry is mostly male driven and run, so I’m guessing folks won’t cease working with him unless and until he rapes a dude on camera or there are rumors of that happening.
Well, duh, most people are babies when they are born.
He’s always been a nasty, petty asshole, but he basically runs a small business with a lot of revenue. He’s like the small town McDonalds franchisee who drives a Porsche and treats everyone like they’re beneath him because he can yell at his dozen or so employees, but suddenly he’s given real power and is completely…
Why do I get the feeling that this is largely based on Trump hitting on Mika repeatedly years ago and being turned down?
He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no!
Yes. Drugs and alcohol help me through it.
Not the point, I know, but I’ve never seen a baby porcupine before and holy fuck is that an adorable little ball of prickly cuteness.
Don’t forget Russia! They’d love an American civil war!
I’d imagine it’s because they think the woman should work up until the point where she has her first kid, and then her job for the next 20-25 years is being mommy, a la the 1950's nuclear family ideal.
This is not Ted Cruz, it’s a New Republican intern getting cred for his reptilian overlord.
...I HATE that I’m actually sorta grinning at Cruz’s pretty solid gif usage. Booooooo on me.
Newborns do not do a lot.
I’ll show myself out.
So Trump can feel like he won the argument.
If the justification for the travel ban was so they could take 90 days to improve vetting (which is already extensive but anyway), that 90 days that has long since already passed. Why do we still “need” the damn travel ban?