
She’s my senator and I’d like to see her run for President in four or eight years. Whip smart, rational and practical, compassionate- I truly believe she could peel off five percent of the Trump vote while unifying both moderate and liberal Democrats.

It would be easier to find a democratic replacement for her in the Senate than it would be to find a better Democratic Presidential candidate.

When Rosie O’Donnell plays Trump on SNL and gives him aneurysm it will stop.

She raised awareness of ... a non-existent massacre? The fact that she lies a lot? Awareness of what? And did she really have to do it three different times? It’s almost like she intended to go on lying until she got caught....

That’s sea ice, which is frozen ocean. Article above is about an ice shelf, which is glacier ice (originally snow) that has flowed off land and is now floating on the ocean. They act differently, respond to different parts of the system, etc. Both are important of course, but just making sure we’re all on the same

By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”

I cannot tell you how much I’ve been holding my breath regarding Maddie Aldridge’s recovery. For some reason, hearing about her accident really got to me and all I could think was, “Dear God don’t let that child die.” I cast no judgement regarding whether or not she should have been on the ATV. I’m just cheering

Get ready to experience being the coastal elites, Indiana.

Not food sector story, but hey it happened this week and it involved immigrant staff being amazing...

This, however is Normal:

I think he’s testing the waters honestly. I don’t recall a president speaking out so soon after a new administration has taken office to encourage people to continue protesting. I imagine there are some very serious, high-level conversations going on - and even the Koch brothers aren’t happy about this shit right

What do we do though? I’ve been protesting, signing petitions, donating, calling my representatives, trying to get more involved in local politics, etc., but the frustrating thing is that it seems like no one can stop him. It also feels like we have no true leadership. Honestly I wish Obama would come back into the

Same, basically. Remember how they taught us that democracies never go to war with each other and McDonald’s means peace forever? All we needed was to spread democracy and capitalism and boom, world peace.

My husband and I took a Lyft home from the airport protests at SFO this weekend. We were speaking with our driver about it and he asked if we could also please go to Standing Rock. He grew up there on a reservation and had been part of the protests up until he moved to California just a few months ago. I asked him

The part that baffles me the most is this being not the result of a foreign power intervening in the US (although one could argue that it has a bit of Russian finger on it), but Americans themselves have put him in the White House, while he had never hide who he was or what he was going to do.


Just repeating what I said at the first article on the subject (the firing of Yates), because still pertinent:

They’ve been bringing a hairbrush to a gunfight. They’re finally bringing knives.

every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.

No, but it’s 2017. So 1939 was 78 years ago.