This is all, horrifyingly, true.
This is all, horrifyingly, true.
Harry Reid just won every state level race he backed in Nevada. He’s retiring. He’s a former boxer. He got his start in old school Las Vegas as part of the gambling commission (the dudes who stood up to the mobsters). He’s got one eye. He has zero fucks to give. I expect his answer to Ms Conway is ‘bring it’.
Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.
As a non-American in the EU, my thoughts: at the first whiff of fascism - which the bulk of his campaign promises would fit in [economically (45% Chinese tariff, stopping US companies moving), politically (swamping the SC, Bannon as CoS), socially (hacking down women, gays, muslims)] respond IMMEDIATELY. This is a…
I will keep saying this for the next four years:
That makes me cry. Like you, I thought the first female president would be from our generation or our mothers’, but it’s not looking at all likely. I truly hope she is at least already born.
Ever since Tuesday night, no matter where I am - on my running trail, on the bus home from work, in the grocery store - in all of these places, I look at each little girl and think “Maybe it’s you. Maybe you will be our first woman President.” I’m 30 and until now I never thought she would be younger than I.
Yeah, I just had to tell a young woman at work, that yes, her “nice” white friends who voted for Trump because they wanted “change,” not because they’re racist, can fuck off along with the KKK. I told her that to people like me, there is no difference between an openly racist person and a person who simply doesn’t…
I deleted my Facebook account today.
I was so embarrassed about this story that I only just recently started sharing it with people. Back in 2005, when I was 17, my then-boyfriend and I did a 3-week detox diet to cleanse our systems. The minute we’d completed the diet we went to see Brokeback Mountain in theatres. I ordered the largest Pepsi and popcorn…
I took her to a supermarket
i have been beating this drum since before the general. Clinton is falling on the damned sword for us and specifically women everywhere. She could have lived a cushy life collecting a quarter mil for a speech every now and then, but no...she got back into the thick of it, KNOWING what would happen. Though i don’t…
I don’t think the revelation that Trump is a sexual predator is the reason he’s almost certain to lose the election — his numbers were tanking before the Access Hollywood tape leaked, and he’s a megalomaniac who is incapable running a workable campaign because he can’t let go of petty grievances long enough to focus…
Because these children dress like actually children unlike the kardashian kids who look terribly uncomfortable at all times...
Is it Trump’s cocaine? Did anyone see a rancid persimmon wobbling away in a hurry?
I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.
He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”
Hillary should just bring a family size bag of Cheetos and sit it in the front row.