
“You like soup? I bet you like soup.”


I really don’t think his truly rabid fan-base is all that large. A lot of people are voting for him because they’ll vote for the Republican candidate no matter who it is. But I don’t think those same people would watch a Trump News Network channel all day long. Fox News already exists, and I think his schtick is

That’s what they call sex.

“Fabletics? I don’t know her”~~~Lululemon

“ taxidermic gopher”

In 2004, I was raped in an area of upstate NY where the rape crisis services were run by Planned Parenthood—as in, if you came to a hospital reporting a rape or sexual assault, that’s where they referred you for ongoing care. The staff at PP’s rape crisis center was incredibly kind and supportive to me. They gave me

These people don’t support Trump; they support that he gives them a seemingly legit outlet for their hate.

White skin suffices.

Actually, this was the unresponsive guy.

“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd

Maybe the more people who explain it, the more people who will fucking listen?

Seriously. What is life?????

This election isn’t just a dumpster fire, it’s a dumpster fire careening down a hill, causing traffic accidents and slamming right into the side of an orphanage.

Yes, Donald Trump has serially sexually assaulted women and bragged about it. But Hillary Clinton HAS A VAGINA. Nothing Trump could do could be as shameful as that.

Nononono, per Xeni Jardin, “show me on the ballot where the bad man touched you.”

Fucking hell on a hot plate, are we REALLY experiencing an election in which the *dominant* issue, less than a month before we vote, is which side has the worst rapist/sexual assaulter (one side’s rapist not being the actual nominee, of course, but still...)?

I get people hating Hillary Clinton. It’s unwarranted & crazy but I get it. The fucking disconnect on this though. “Just words” “Long time ago” “ISIS”.

I want the House Committee of Uh Duh to hold hearings

More brave women will come forward, and yet so many Republicans still endorse Trump as the GOP’s nominee for President.