
Update: The teenager wrote about this experience earlier this year, and makes it pretty clear that he felt used and uncomfortable:

Can I please have some of your weed?

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

I didn’t even know they were sick.

I remember when I tried to say “yas.”


I’m really hoping for a bloodbath. In no way should Trump escape with a sherd of ego intact.

“It’s not lewd, it’s sexual assault.”

I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.

Today? Preparing. After the debate? I’m not sure what a 68 year old does to celebrate the feeling of christmas, new years, 3 birthdays, and your best orgasm combined into one amazing thing but I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular.

That sound you heard was the sound of hundreds of auditors reading this piece, finding their career choice vindicated, trying to high five each other, missing badly, and then losing their balance, causing them to trip and fall into Lydia’s workstation and knocking over her Chewbacca bobblehead.

So in other words: be bad at what you love doing and you’ll never work a day in your life because you’re banned by the government?

Politics is so stupid. Pence was declared the victor because he was the ultimate stereotype of a sleazy politician? He stayed calm and lied well under pressure? Hooray! Pence is a liar on the order of a common sociopath! Congratulations you have won the debate! He kept ramming Kaine about being a “career politician”

Is there really anything about the conditions on a TV or film set that make it a more suitable environment than, say, allowing a twelve-year-old to work a few hours a day at a department store? To me it seems like we make the exception for the sake of audiences, who enjoy watching media with child actors, rather than

This left me feeling gross. She’s a kid for fucks sake. She shouldn’t be saving her family from bankruptcy.

i had an young adulthood resplendent with it, however...i’m zany to the max with bologna in my slacks.

Leading causes of death in the U.S. (CDC, 2015):

That’s the action of a man who truly thought his wife was in mortal danger.

Once they got Lindsey Lohan’s fingertip, it was smooth sailing.